Ole Olsen

Nacimiento : 1863-05-05,

Muerte : 1943-10-05


Sex, Sensations & Superstars: The History of Danish Silent Cinema
Self (archive footage)
Documentary on the rise and fall of the Danish silent film industry.
Viaje a Marte
La película, dirigida por Holger-Madsen, desarrolla los planes de un doctor, cuyo ídolo es Cristobal Colón (aunque le atribuye erróneamente la intención de dar la vuelta al mundo), para viajar a Marte. Para ello, en sólo dos años logra construir una nave, el Excelsior, y logra captar como voluntarios a un puñado de expedicionarios, uno de ellos comprometido con una joven llamada Corona.
Peace on Earth
A peace-loving prince and his followers dream of eternal peace – pax aeterna. So far, they have been successful only within the realm. When the neighbouring state declares war, the prince’s heart stops beating. Is the vision of global peace just a naive dream, or will his followers be able to see it through? (stumfilm.dk)
El fin del mundo
Un científico predice que lo peor está por venir: un inmenso cometa puede impactar con el planeta tierra. Con el objeto de no crear pánico, los astrónomos, reunidos con un pequeño número de millonarios, ocultan la noticia al pueblo y a la prensa. Pero después del paso del cometa, un número muy elevado de desastres naturales y toda clase de disturbios pondrán en peligro a la raza humana. (Eddie Constanti)
Love's Devotee
Two friends, Fritz and Theodor, make the acquaintance of Christine and Mizzi, who are also friends. Fritz is immediately captivated by Christine, who is bashful and modest as opposed to the eager, effervescent Mizzi. But even though the love between the two grows, Christine is not the only woman in Fritz’s life. His affair with a married woman will prove to have fatal consequences. (stumfilm.dk)
Abrumado por problemas personales y profesionales, el biólogo Friedrich von Kammacher decide viajar al extranjero con el propósito de recuperar la alegría de vivir. Durante su accidentado viaje conocerá a dos mujeres muy diferentes, una de las cuales será la clave de su destino.
By the Sea
A documentary drama about people who live by the sea.
Lion Hunting
Two big game hunters are on safari in the jungle with their African guide. They observe zebras, ostrich and a hippopotamus, and catch a small monkey for a pet. During the night they are awakened by a lion which kills a small goat and then the hunters' horse. The hunters shoot the lion as it stands by the water on a beach. They discover another lion and shoot it also. The lions are gutted and skinned. The happy hunters sit and smoke cigarettes afterward.
King Haakon's Coronation in Trondheim
Haakon becomes King of Norway.
Christian IXS bisættelse
Christian IX (b. 1818) died 29 January 1906. He was king of Denmark for 42 years. With his many family ties to the royal houses of Europe, he was known as 'Europe's father-in-law'. After castrum doloris in Christiansborg church, the coffin was transported by train to Roskilde cathedral, where Danish monarchs are laid to rest.
The Proclamation of King Frederik VIII
The shift of the crown was paralleled by a new epoch of cinema in Denmark. Peter Elfelt had been the dominant figure in early Danish film. After some rather insignificant films, Ole Olsen founded the success of Nordisk Films Kompagni upon this film and 'The Funeral of King Christian IX'.