Tom Cameron (George Houston), aka the Lone Rider, and his faithful sidekick, Fuzzy Jones (Al St. John), flee across the Rio Grande to avoid assassination by crooked lawman Deputy Hatfield, only to have the Mexican cops accuse Cameron of being the notorious bandit El Puma. At Hatfield's behest, they are also accused of kidnapping the local mayor's son, and now the pair must prove their innocence and find a way to stop Hatfield's lawless ways.
Native Girl at Antro's Table (uncredited)
La cantante de cabaret Bijou, expulsada de varias islas del Océano Indico por suscitar peleas, recala en Boni Komba para trabajar en el Café Seven Sinners. Tiene mucho éxito entre los marineros americanos, especialmente con el Teniente Dan Brent. Cuando Dan le propone matrimonio, su carrera y su vida correrán peligro