June Pålgard


Gompen og andre beretninger om overvåking i Norge 1948-1989
Makeup Artist
Gomp: Tales of surveillance in Norway 1948-1989 is a film from a staged hearing focusing on the surveillance of dissidents during the Cold War. Through its unique set of characters, the film depicts a complex image of Post War Norway as well as various aspects and consequences of being surveilled. Produced as a live event, it is simultaneously a documentary, a work of fiction and a piece of political theater.
Above the Street, Below the Water
Makeup Artist
This is the day when the lives of an intertwined group of people take a new direction. Everything they have taken for granted starts to change. While Anne and Ask's relationship succumbs to 'metal fatigue', Charlotte has to realise that her husband Carl may not be right for her. At the same time Bente has to decide if she is prepared to wait for ever for her lover, while her ex-husband Bjørn must face the pain of finally letting Bente go. The characters and their children are twirled around in an ever-increasing drama which peaks during the opening night of Hamlet. Anne is on stage as Ophelia, and the question remains: to be or not be responsible for one's own happiness.
Arn: El caballero templario
Assistant Makeup Artist
Arn, hijo de un noble sueco de alto rango, es educado en un monasterio en el arte de la lucha con espada y en el estudio de los libros, al cruzar miradas con una joven de una familia rival su destino lo llevara a tierras lejanas.
Makeup Artist
Erik y Phillip intentan salir adelante como escritores. Erik es rechazado por las editoriales por su supuesta falta de talento, pero el manuscrito de Phillip es aceptado y, casi de la noche a la mañana, el joven se hace un hueco entre los grandes de la escena cultural noruega. Seis meses después, Erik y sus amigos visitan el hospital psiquiátrico en el que Phillip se encuentra internado para llevarlo de vuelta a casa, después de haberse sometido a un largo tratamiento. Volver a escribir es lo último que Phillip tiene en la cabeza, pero Erik, que no ha cesado en sus intentos literarios, tratará de convencer a su amigo para que retome su afición.
Alt for Egil
Makeup Artist
A pizza delivery boy must balance the needs of his sick mother, his mentally retarded friend, and the comatose girl of his dreams.
The Beast of Beauty
Makeup Artist
Lotte and her father moves in with Kristin, a former beauty queen, and her daughter, Vendela. Kristin is grooming Vendela to win the Little Miss Norway contest, and as a result both girls get more and more preoccupied with their looks. When Lotte is allowed to participate in the contest, it soon becomes clear that being too vain can be a frightening experience.
1996: Pust på meg!
Makeup Artist
On a day in April 1996, four stories play out in the confines of a flat in the heart of Oslo.
Makeup Artist
Knut Hamsun (1859-1952), un admirado escritor noruego, que consiguió el premio Nobel en 1920, era considerado un héroe en su país. Sin embargo, tras el estallido de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y la invasión de Noruega por los nazis, Hamsun apoyó a Hitler e incluso mantuvo un encuentro con él. Desde entonces se le consideró un traidor a su patria y, terminada la guerra, fue desposeido de sus bienes. También su vida matrimonial con Marie (Ghita Norby), una escritora de cuentos infantiles, fue conflictiva. Tras su muerte, su obra cayó en el olvido hasta tal punto que no hay en toda Noruega una sola calle o plaza con su nombre.
Makeup Artist
During a night in June, Kai is making an encounter with his wife's family, one after one. She has left him, and he wants to know why.
Den siste Fleksnes
Makeup Artist
Den siste Fleksnes (English: The last Fleksnes) is a 1974 Norwegian comedy film directed by Bo Hermansson, starring Rolv Wesenlund and Aud Schønemann. The film is based on the television sitcom Fleksnes Fataliteter.Marve Fleksnes (Wesenlund) lives a comfortable life with his mother (Schønemann), but misses a woman in his life. He is afraid he might become the last Fleksnes. His mother enrols him in a charm school, where he excels. At the same time, a young lady moves into the apartment across the hall.
Norwegian Building Blocks
Makeup Artist
A young couple decides to build their dream house, but run into numerous complications in the process. Everything from useless carpenters to building control gets in their way. Norwegian comedian Rolv Wesenlund plays 7 different roles in this movie.