Michael Z. Hoffmann

Nacimiento : 1943-02-25, Munich, Germany


It Happened in Broad Daylight
La lista de Schindler
Montelupich Colonel
Oskar Schindler, un hombre de enorme astucia y talento para las relaciones públicas, organiza un ambicioso plan para ganarse la simpatía de los nazis. Después de la invasión de Polonia por los alemanes, consigue, gracias a sus relaciones con los nazis, la propiedad de una fábrica de Cracovia. Allí emplea a cientos de operarios judíos, cuya explotación le hace prosperar rápidamente. Su gerente, también judío, es el verdadero director en la sombra, pues Schindler no tiene el menor conocimiento industrial.
A group of young people become involved with the kidnap of a local politician with the aim of halting construction work on a nearby nuclear power plant.
Invitation to the Dance
Theo Gromberg is a bon vivant, apparently with built-in guarantee to failure. Faithful to his side is his friend Enno, an Italian guest workers. Both have a dream: to which they want to get into the trucking business its own trucks.
A group of vampires terrorizes a small village on the German North Sea Coast. The young Jonathan joins a group of fellow students and locals, who plan an uprising against the vampires.