Film director Juan Bravo is in a deep, existential funk: his latest film has been vilified by critics, and his friends, relatives and even business associates are wasting no time in badmouthing him. He seeks refuge in the city of Oviedo, Asturias, wandering the empty streets at night, going to parties that are veritable circuses full of wannabes, and attending concerts and religious and traditional ceremonies as he seeks inspiration for his next film. He reminisces about his childhood but, most importantly, that strange woman who asked him to visit her at her apartment at precisely 10 p.m., not one minute more, nor one minute less.
Cinco mujeres son secuestradas y encerradas dentro de una extraña fábrica, done también son obligadas a ejercer la prostitución. Dentro del asfixiante lugar, Bernarda (Assumpta Serna) mantiene una extraña relación con su criada Poncia (Miriam Díaz Aroca). A pesar de todo lo que sucede, la mujer está convencida de estar haciendo lo correcto, pues considera que solo así las libra de los males del mundo.