A beautiful young concubine of the wealthy, but brash Ting finds erotic pleasure with another in this titillating love triangle
A couple of white guys team up with an Asian guy to bring opium into Hong Kong... which also happens to involve resurrecting hopping vampires / zombies to do their bidding. This is part of a bogus three part series of films from Joseph Lai's IFD that also includes Zombie vs. Ninja (1988) and Kickboxer from Hell (1990). All three "borrowed" much of their footage from other films.
Chao clan member
Secret Service of the Imperial Court was one of the last kung fu/swordplay films to be made at Hong Kong's Shaw Bros. studio. Set in the Ming Dynasty, it makes excellent use of the studio's vast array of sprawling sets and colorful costumes to give a real period flavor. It has a good cast, lots of large-scale fight action and an exciting storyline about a conflict between an honorable officer and a corrupt Eunuch.
Un criminal llega a la ciudad con el fin de matar a Pang por un conflicto pasado. Pero en lugar de ensuciarse sus propias manos, contrata a un mago taoísta para reanimar a algunos zombies que hagan el trabajo por él. El plan sale terriblemente mal y el villano termina siendo asesinado en su propia trampa. Ahora su espíritu, molesto, intentará reencarnarse con la ayuda del sacerdote, y como no encuentra el cuerpo adecuado, reencarnará como un vampiro.
Based on actual events that took place in Shanghai 1919, Hwang Jang Lee portrays a ruthless Police Captain, who will stop at nothing in his quest for power even framing an innocent man and sending him mad. The Man's family can not tolerate the injustice and fight back with some of the meanest Kung Fu techniques ever witnessed, without doubt one of the best films from the two kings of Kung Fu: Hwang Jang Lee & Phillip Ko.
Shaolin Abbot
Hwang Jang-lee plays the main baddie, and along with his nasty henchmen (played by a red-nosed Chan Lau, and Bolo Yeung in the daftest wig imaginable!), they cause all sorts of problems for the good guys, hero Wah-jee (Cheung Lik), pretty soy-milk seller Tsui-jee (Jeannie Chang) and Tsui-jee's father (Fan Mei-sheng).
Para proteger su banco y a su familia, Tien Lung tiene contratados a 2 maestros para que le enseñen artes marciales, pero ambos son unos farsantes que lo único que pretenden es sacarle todo el dinero a cambio de lecciones de kung fu un tanto estúpidas. Todo cambiará cuando Ho Fu Wai y sus secuaces le arrebaten su banco y comiencen a extorsionar a las gentes del pueblo. Tien Lung se da cuenta de que sus técnicas son inútiles y acudirá a un anciano ciego para que le enseñe kung fu y poder así saldar cuentas con Ho Fu Wai.
Beggar Medicine man
A "Dragon Claw" master returns from Manchuria where he became a traitor to China. He's after the coveted Dragon Claw Golden Tablet that will force people to bow down to him. He challenges the Grand-master who has a checkered past of his own. The Grand-master happens to suffers from a terminal chronic injury related to his evil past. The traitor kills the grand-master, causing his wife and son the go into hiding. The wife seems to really be the Dragon Claw master in the family and she vows to train her son the kung fu secrets. The son finds that one of his friends has learned a strange style of kung fu from a filthy medicine man. The son seeks him out to improve his kung fu and defeat the traitor.
Chan Wai Man plays the super-assassin with a penchant for overengineered weapons and causing grief and mayhem wherever he and his asssitants Crab & Shrimp find themsleves. A young kung fu fantaic is taught by a beggar and a grumpy old Shaolin monk so that he can beat the killers and restore peace to the region.
When a young man's village is destroyed by a band of thugs, he seeks help from a great kung-fu master, but his real lessons come from a drunk old man, he basically learns kung fu by accident and seeks his revenge.
The Owl is a Hong Kong Martial Arts movie starring Chan Wai Man
Un grupo de luchadores japoneses, liderados por un enmascarado de pelo largo (Chen Kuan Tai), llegan a una remota villa para apoderarse de la "Hierba del Dragón". Allí, entran en conflicto con un grupo de luchadores chinos que intentan defender el pueblo. La tensión se eleva, y los chinos son vencidos por las fuerzas japonesas, claramente superiores. Afortunadamente, un solitario errante, fugitivo de la justicia, experto luchador de kung fu, Jang Wu-dip (Chen Sing) llega para ayudarlos y se enfrentara al líder de los japoneses en una feroz lucha en la playa.