Yu es un adolescente que se ha criado en el seno de una familia muy cristiana. Recién ordenado sacerdote, su padre le obliga a confesar sus pecados, que él comete buscando la aprobación paterna. Yu se dedica diligentemente a obrar mal, hasta que sus fotos a hurtadillas de bragas de chicas lo catapultan a la fama. Pero entonces conoce a Yoko y se ve envuelto en una misteriosa secta...
When the mobster Iwaida Nishikawi is executed by the hit man Takeshi, his family chases the killer. Takeshi's brothers Takashi and Hideshi Miwa try to find Takeshi, who is hidden with the nurse Rie Ishibashi, to protect him and Hideshi discovers that Takeshi was secretly sent by their Yakuza boss to eliminate Iwaida. Meanwhile, the mobster Kenmoshi abducts Takashi's wife Mariko and rapes her, trying to force Takashi to deliver his brother to him.