An offbeat dark comedy that follows the life of the reclusive, karaoke loving and heartbroken Ben. But when he receives an unsolicited package from a mysterious delivery man, his stale dreary life is turned upside down, taking him on a wild ride that brings a new love into his life.
Sisters, Nicole and Angela, are highly driven and successful in their careers. Angela is married with a baby on the way and wishes Nicole, a rising attorney, could have more balance in her life. When Angela interviews and hires a new bright executive, Michael, she sets him up with Nicole who actually makes time to date him. The relationship seems promising until it becomes clear that Michael is moving much more quickly and obsessively than Nicole can handle.
Hayley stumbles upon a bundle of letters with an engagement ring from a mysterious sender, she decides to respond to him with her own alias, and with it start the anonymous correspondence that will change her life forever.
Este documental explica la historia de un pelotón de francotiradores canadienses de la Segunda Guerra Mundial a través de los testimonios de cinco hombres del regimiento más legendario y que tuvo más bajas de Canadá, la Black Watch.