Thomas Silberstein

Thomas Silberstein


Thomas Silberstein


Tout le monde ment 2
Julien de Grève
Making Of
Les Secrets du Paquebot
Jordan Perrier
Tout le monde ment
Julien de Grève
Vincent Verner is a former cop who was fired from the police force for refusing to turn a blind eye to an investigation involving a powerful man. A young prosecutor comes to get him to join a new group in charge of investigating "delicate" cases, those that no one dares to summon: men and women of power, politics, finance, the media, the star system, lobbies, consortiums, and the bosses of large companies. Verner, a maverick with an aversion to lying, will apply his own methods.
Les petites mains
Le loup
Marin is a self-effacing receptionist secretly in love with his colleague Heloise whom he dares not invite out. While on duty, a threatening client assaults him. This encounter leads him into a night that will prove to be saving in order to discover himself and overcome his fundamental fears.
El último duelo
Palace of Justice Clerk
Ambientada en Francia, en 1386, cuenta el enfrentamiento entre el caballero Jean de Carrouges y el escudero Jacques LeGris , al acusar el primero al segundo de abusar de su esposa, Marguerite de Carrouges. El Rey Carlos VI decide que la mejor forma de solucionar el conflicto es un duelo a muerte. El que venza será el ganador, sin embargo, si lo hace el escudero, la esposa del caballero será quemada como castigo por falsas acusaciones.
L'arche des canopées
The Space Between Us
A 22 years old girl wants to be single
Baden Baden
Charts the trials and tribulations of Ana, a free-spirited 26 year-old returning home to Strasbourg for the summer after living abroad for long enough to feel out of place everywhere.
During a French business school’s hazing weekend, the body of a drowned student is discovered on the banks of a lake. Police responding to the incident question witnesses, but their stories don’t add up and they begin to suspect that this tragedy was no accident.
Mi hijo
Una familia de clase media en una pequeña ciudad de provincias: el padre, profesor universitario; la madre, ama de casa; la hija mayor va a la universidad, mientras que el hijo menor, un muchacho en plena adolescencia, está en el instituto y toma clases de piano. La aparente normalidad familiar se ve alterada por el descubrimiento de la ambigua relación de amor y odio entre la madre y su hijo.