Joëy Faré


Los fantasmas de Havre
En un apartamento en Le Havre, una ciudad portuaria francesa, se encuentra un cuerpo momificado en una chimenea. La capitán Ariane Salles y su amigo Garspard Lesage se encargan de la investigación.
Une vie française
The Beautiful Person
Adaptación de la novela "La princesa de Clèves", de Madame de La Fayette. La acción se traslada desde la corte de Enrique II hasta un instituto parisino de la actualidad. Después de la muerte de su madre, Junie, una chica de 16 años, se traslada a otro instituto a mitad de curso. Su primo Mahias, que está en la misma clase, la presenta a sus amigos, que están deseando salir con ella. Sin embargo, Junie se enamora locamente de Nemours, su profesor de italiano, aunque reprime sus sentimientos porque considera que la felicidad es algo puramente ilusorio.
Coup de vache
An old man bequeaths his fortune to a television host, much to the chagrin of his own family.
Un jeu d'enfant
During the war in 1941, Antoine, 9, lived with his grandparents in Gironde. His mother prefers to keep him away in the free zone, with his cousins, where he discovers a more rigorous world.
China, My Sorrow
Production Manager
In August 1966, the Cultural Revolution in full swing, 13-year-old Tian Ben is arrested for playing a pop record; he's sent to a remote mountain camp in Niu-Peng. There he's called "Four Eyes" and, with about 16 other older boys and men, he's made to carry muck up a mountainside, make bricks, saw logs, and sing daily to Chairman Mao of his faults. There's camaraderie among the five youths, especially with a young pickpocket named Baimao, and Tian is also drawn to a silent monk who cares for him when he falls ill and the others expect him to die. The camp is remote, so there are no fences or walls. Tian longs to escape.