Jackson Parrell


Misha's only daughter, June, is very sick. After five days at home, June's school reports her absence to the state, prompting agents from the Bureau of Order and Safety to investigate the nature of June's illness.
Happy Place
"Welcome to the zoo," Samira is advised as she’s admitted to an in-patient care facility in the wake of a suicide attempt. As she slowly familiarizes herself with her fellow residents and their idiosyncratic traits, a makeshift community takes shape.
The Drop-In
On a night like any other, Joelle is closing up her hair salon when a mysterious visitor appears asking too many questions about her citizenship.
Cuando Valerie regresa a casa de la prisión años después de matar a su vecino en un aparente accidente por conducir ebria, no quiere nada más que seguir adelante, hasta que el hijo del difunto aparece en su puerta y se hace evidente que el pasado no se olvida fácilmente.
Director of Photography
A family's daily lives are affected by a recent event.
American Virgin
When Allie's Dad can't afford to pay for her to attend Juilliard Summer School, she decides to raise the money by selling her most precious asset.