Clementina Mantellini


Jezabel es una película mexicana dirigida por Hernán Jabes y protagonizada por Shakti Maal, Cesar Cova, Gerard Uzcategui.
Lejos del Sentido
Entre 2010 y 2013 cerraron 2 hospitales psiquiátricos en México, en ambos, Liliana fue ingresada a causa de su trastorno límite de personalidad. Cuando tenía 3 años sufrió una encefalitis viral; 15 años después descubrió que algo no estaba bien en su cabeza, ella y su familia, buscaron las causas de su inestabilidad emocional y sus frecuentes hospitalizaciones por intentos suicidas. Ante la amenaza de una recaída y sin la opción de internamiento, ella y sus padres enfrentan un esquema de tratamiento en casa. La familia cuestiona la normalidad y formula preguntas; nos transporta al mundo interno de Liliana, donde sus emociones cobran forma.
45 días en Jarbar
The plastic artist Cesar Arechiga recreates his living room and studio in the maximum-security prison of Puente Grande, Jalisco, in which fifteen inmates learn about paper production, clay modeling, sculpting and painting. Through this artistic interaction, they share their personal experiences of how they became involved with the world of drug trafficking.
45 días en Jarbar
The plastic artist Cesar Arechiga recreates his living room and studio in the maximum-security prison of Puente Grande, Jalisco, in which fifteen inmates learn about paper production, clay modeling, sculpting and painting. Through this artistic interaction, they share their personal experiences of how they became involved with the world of drug trafficking.
El paso
This is a story about the families of those that once were our witnesses, our eyes and our voice, but were threatened, had to leave Mexico and forced to live in exile, seeking for political asylum. It is not about powerful journalists, it is about invisible reporters that represent the weakest links of the news network’s chain and now are living in an immigration limbo.