Yasuo Iwaki


Have You Seen the Barefoot God?
Lighting Technician
2 almost inseparable friends. The talented painter recognized by all decided to leave the town where they live and become an artist and the shy poet who only sees his future in his mother's business.
Why Not?
Lighting Technician
The film depicts carnivalesque atmosphere summed up by the cry "Ei ja nai ka" ("Why not?") in Japan in 1867 and 1868 in the days leading to the Meiji Restoration. It examines the effects of the political and social upheaval of the time, and culminates in a revelrous march on the Tokyo Imperial Palace, which turns into a massacre. Characteristically, Imamura focuses not on the leaders of the country, but on characters in the lower classes and on the fringes of society.
La venganza es mía
Lighting Technician
Enokizu es un criminal al que le encanta cometer atrocidades y despiadados crímenes. Toda la policía de Japón le persigue, pero siempre logra escapar. Un día Enokizu conoce a una chica que trabaja en un burdel, y los dos se enamoran...
Men's Lifetime Dream-A Peep into A Women's Bathhouse
Lighting Technician
Men and War I: Prelude to Destiny
Keisuke Godai, head of the upstart Godai family conglomerate, plans to strengthen ties with the hardliners in the Kwantung Army as they plan military expansion into Manchuria.
The Girl I Abandoned
Lighting Director
Tsutomu Yoshioka, a Tokyo office worker, is enaged to Mariko, the niece of his company's president. But Yoshioka has a crisis of consence when he remembers his former love Mitsu, a rural girl whom he met and later left while in college. Shimako, a former friend, persuades Yoshioka to meet with Mitsu while she plots to blackmail Yoshioka by photographing the meeting to break up Mariko and Yoshioka.
Front Row Life
Lighting Technician
Based on the 1964 novel of the same name by Komimasa Tanaka, the film tell the story of a strip-teaser, and her daughter who wishes to join her mother's profession.
The Black Sheep
Lighting Technician
Japanese drama film.
I'll Never Cry!
Lighting Technician
The rehabilitation of a delinquent on leaving reformatory. Her redemption comes through a boy in a wheelchair; by his rehabilitation, growing comes in courage along with her patient, she grows by finding meaning in her own existence. She finally sees a new world before her and has the determination to lead a normal life.
The Heart of Hiroshima
Lighting Coordinator
One morning, Kazue is nearly knocked over by a motorbike in front of an instrument store, breaking all the records that she was carrying. The two connect instantly and begin seeing each other every day. However, Iwai, Yukio’s foster parent, is concerned - Yukio had been exposed to the atomic bomb when he was four years old and had been showing symptoms of atomic radiation, hospitalizing him in the Genbaku Atomic Bomb Survivor’s Hospital. Unfortunately, nobody knows when the symptoms may return. When Yukio passes out from anemia during work, he decides to part with Kazue. A couple of days later, Yukio tells her of his destiny at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, but Kazue passionately encourages him.
The Pornographers
Lighting Director
Subu makes pornographic films. He sees nothing wrong with it. They are an aid to a repressed society, and he uses the money to support his landlady, Haru, and her family. From time to time, Haru shares her bed with Subu, though she believes her dead husband, reincarnated as a carp, disapproves. Director Shohei Imamura has always delighted in the kinky exploits of lowlifes, and in this 1966 classic, he finds subversive humor in the bizarre dynamics of Haru, her Oedipal son, and her daughter, the true object of her pornographer-boyfriend’s obsession. Imamura’s comic treatment of such taboos as voyeurism and incest sparked controversy when the film was released, but The Pornographers has outlasted its critics, and now seems frankly ahead of its time.
A Chain of Islands
Lighting Technician
When a US army sergeant is found drowned in Tokyo Bay, an investigation is launched to determine how and why he lost his life. The investigation uncovers a black market scheme involving counterfeit money, murder, and conspiracy.
Deseos impuros
Lighting Director
Narra la historia de una gris y gorda ama de casa que vive en la pobreza con su pareja de hecho, su hijo de otra mujer y su madre. Cuando es violada por un ladrón, escapa a Japón en busca de una nueva vida con su agresor.
The Beautiful Teenager
Lighting Technician
A boy who dreams of being a yakuza leader is reformed by a girl's pure love for him.
La mujer insecto
Lighting Director
Película que sigue la vida de Tome, mujer nacida en una familia de clase baja en 1918, que desde pequeña, sufre los maltratos de su padrastro. De joven, emigra de su pueblo natal para ir a trabajar a una fábrica donde mantiene una aventura con su jefe, y posteriormente ganarse la vida como criada y, finalmente, prostituta.
Distant Love
Lighting Technician
A romance of a pure young lover and his heartbreak for a beautiful older woman.
Danger Pays
Lighting Technician
Joe, Okita, and Serizawa hear of the armed robbery of a truck carrying one billion eighty million yen's worth of Mint paper. Knowing that the thugs will now need a counterfeiter to make the bogus bills, they each decide to cash in on it by selling them the idea that they need Sakamoto, the best counterfeiter in Japan. A seesaw game unfolds between the three men as each tries to outdo the other two in handing over Sakamoto for one million yen to Hijikata, the big boss, who intends to make counterfeit money with the stolen paper. A little belatedly, they realize it needs their combined forces to outwit Hijikata and they raid his place together. Outnumbered, however, they are thrown into a basement room and the gas is turned on. Certain death stares them in the face, but the three men are not ones to take things lying down....
A Killer Without a Grave
Lighting Technician
Nakata (Keiichiro Akagi) is a nihilistic young buck who is willing to do anything to get money in his pockets. As he knocks back a couple drinks that he knows he won't be able to afford, a former marksman-turned-bad, Ishioka approaches him. Ishioka is looking for an unaffiliated hit-man who is willing to handle some business. Nakata is just the right man for the job.
Cerdos y acorazados
Lighting Director
Kinta, un matón adolescente, está entusiasmado porque ha conseguido trabajo como supervisor de la piara de una base americana local, con el cual podrá desviar comida al mercado negro y conseguir unos buenos ingresos para su banda yakuza. Su novia Hiroku espera que deje la yakuza y consiga un trabajo honesto, aunque ella no sea un ejemplo de virtud, trabajando como prostituta. La trama sigue esta relación complicada, con el trasfondo de la corrupción, con el resultado del choque de las fuerzas de ocupación contra la pobreza y las aspiraciones del país nipón tras la guerra.
Wind of Volcano
Lighting Technician
An airplane loaded with 50 million yen for the reconstruction of Amami Oshima crashes en route from Kagoshima, Kyushu, but neither the money nor the remains of the pilot can be found.
The Guitarist from the Sea
Lighting Technician
Plans to build a touristic hot spring on the island of Izu Oshima run afoul of the Kobe yakuza group, which intends to use the island as a relay base for drug smuggling.
Mi segundo hermano
Lighting Director
La película narra la historia de cuatro huérfanos que habitan en una ciudad minera empobrecida. El argumento tine como base el diario de una adolescente de 10 años zainichi (coreano-japonesa). Fue una de las primeras películas que trataron el tema de la identidad zainichi y sus luchas en Japón. (FILMAFFINITY)
Break Down that Wall
Lighting Technician
A man is wrongfully accused of murder.
JA750 Gôki Yukuefumei
Lighting Camera
1958 Newspaper Association Sweepstakes Winning Broadcast Drama Movie. A heartwarming and moving story that bloomed behind the competition between two newspaper reporters, one young and the other old, who followed the whereabouts of the distressed aircraft. It is an adaptation of the prize-winning broadcast drama recruited by the Japan Newspaper Publishers and Editors Week in 1958. The original author was Tsuneyuki Mori.
Immoral Lecture
Lighting Technician
Endless Desire
Lighting Director
Set in post-war Japan, a group of five, four men and one woman, gathers in the basement of a butcher shop to dig up a cache of morphine buried during the war. A grimly humorous tale of twisted relationships as one by one each of the group is eliminated.
A Slope in the Sun
Lighting Technician
The young Takako Kuramoto has come to Tokyo to study and starts working for the rich Tashiro family as tutor of the daughter, Kumiko, while she receives attention from her two older brothers, Yukichi and Shinji. Meanwhile, the exact parentage of Shinji comes to light.
Nikutai no hankō
Lighting Technician
Birth of a Jazz Maiden
Lighting Technician
Kawai Midori's father left the family a long time ago and since her mother passed away, she has taken care of her younger siblings by herself by working with a group of itinerant camellia oil peddlers. While she is In Izu selling camellia oil, she meets a young student, Katō Yutaka, who asks her to let him take her picture. The peddlers also meet a jazz band, and when Midori sings a song, teased by the band's star singer Nanjō Haruo, the band members are enraptured by her beautiful voice. She eventually joins the band and quickly becomes a popular jazz singer.
Wakanohana: The Story of the Devil of the Dohyō
Lighting Design
A film about sumo wrestler Wakanohana Kanji I. He was nicknamed "Devil of the dohyo" due to his excellent fighting spirit and endurance.
Policeman's Diary
Lighting Technician
Lending money, job hunting for civilians and babysitting. All these things are usually not listed on a policeman's job description. But for the officers of this local police station, it‘s part of their daily routine. One day, patrolman Yoshii (Hisaya Morishige) finds an abandoned baby and a six year old girl standing in front of the station. When he's declined by the welfare office, orphanage and local health clinic to take them in, he decides to take care of them himself.
The Great White Tiger Platoon
Lighting Technician
The Great White Tiger Platoon was part of the Aizu clan's last ditch efforts to stop the advance of Imperial troops after the fall of the Tokugawa Shogunate. Meant to be a reserve unit as it was made of the young, 16-17 year old sons of Aizu samurai. Their story is one of the great tragedies of the Boshin War (1868-1869) as they were called into action. Getting cut off from the main body of their platoon, a group of 20 from the 2nd squad retreated to Iimori Hill, where they looked down upon fires surrounding Aizu Castle and thinking that the castle has fallen and all is lost, they choose to die as samurai by committing seppuku. A superb rendition of this true story that shows the true honor of the samurai.