Suffering from ghosts, poltergeists or paranormal plague? The Schimm Brothers will help you out of trouble. Where monsters lurk, these professional ghost hunters spring into action. They catch all the creeps and lock them up for good, in the closet, basement, or under the bed. Until they track down a new supernatural phenomenon thanks to the wayward girl Lilith. Together with Lilith and her friends, the Schimm Brothers take on the most dangerous monster of their entire career, the one that lurks inside each of us.
Ivo Rombouts is the personal driver of Frederik Bulinckx, CEO of a petrochemical multinational. Frederik looses himself in alcohol and women. His greed for money drives him straight into the arms of Russians who want to take over the company. Ivo tries to pull Frederik out of his downward spiral, but has his own personal problems to deal with...
De resultas del asesinato de un importante funcionario público, el departamento de policía de Amberes comisionó a dos de sus mejores investigadores criminalistas para investigar el caso: Vincke y Verstuyft. Las pistas conducen al sicario Angelo Ledda. A Ledda, que experimenta síntomas del alzheimer, le resulta cada vez más difícil ejecutar los encargos.Cuando se da cuenta de que está siendo utilizado en una lucha por el poder político, decide morder la mano que le da de comer. A Vincke y Verstuyft les cuesta mucho desenmarañar la trama de intrigas, redes e intereses creados para poder evitar que se cometan más crímenes.