Giulia Clark


Brot und Spiele – Wagenrennen im alten Rom
Brot und Spiele – Wagenrennen im alten Rom
Hannibal's Elephant Army: The New Evidence
Hannibal is one of the most famous warlords in history. To invade Rome, he crossed the Alps in just 16 days with 30,000 men, horses and an elephant army. How was that possible? Investigators are now looking for evidence of Hannibal's mythical warfare.
Chinese Chariots Revealed
Chinese Chariots Revealed
Henry VII: Winter King
Historian Thomas Penn reveals the secrets of founder of Britain’s great Tudor Dynasty - and his amazing trajectory to power. Two weeks after landing on the shores Wales in 1485 with a small band of mercenaries, Henry of Richmond defeats the notorious Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth. He is crowned Henry VII and then begins a career of realpolitik, a charming exterior making a savage ambition. The War of the Roses, his wife Elizabeth of York, and the beginning of the Renaissance are all part of this incredible history, as are Henry’s obsessions with money and astonishing spy network.