John Palladino

John Palladino


John Palladino (born 1978) is known for his work on Orange Is the New Black (2013), Experimenter (2015) and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows (2016).


John Palladino


I'm Not Him
Jimmy Valentino
Jimmy Valentino has been saved by a miracle - or at least that's what he believes. Given his second chance, Jimmy conveys what he's discovered to other terminally ill patients who, to his astonishment, quickly recover. Jimmy tries to keep his profile and the results of his interventions under the radar but when word spreads, the world converges upon him. A few admire him. Some try to imitate him. Most denounce and disparage what he does as dangerous and sacrilegious. When a patient dies after following what he believes is Jimmy's advice, Jimmy is arrested and prosecuted. With his life in peril once again, Jimmy needs another miracle - one that can't be questioned.
Bourke Cochran
Indaga en los esfuerzos que tuvo que realizar Nikola Tesla a la hora de presentar al mundo una revolución energética que cambiaría para siempre el curso de la humanidad.
Estafadoras de Wall Street
Wall Street Guy
Cuatro estrípers de un club al que acuden adinerados ejecutivos de Wall Street idean un plan para estafar a sus clientes. Aunque consiguen su objetivo, cuando una periodista empieza a investigarlas, la avaricia y la envidia ponen en riesgo su unión, su amistad y su libertad.
Christmas on Honeysuckle Lane
Emma Reynolds returns to Oliver's Well to celebrate Christmas for the last time with her siblings in the home they grew up in. After their parents recently passed, the siblings reluctantly agree to sell the family home on Honeysuckle Lane after the New Year, leaving Emma in charge of its belongings. While antiques expert Morgan Shelby appraises Emma's mother's collection, they find a hidden surprise in an antique desk that takes them on a journey to discover the power of love and family during the holidays.
Experimenter: La historia de Stanley Milgram
John Williams
En 1961, Stanley Milgram llevó a cabo una serie de experimentos sobre la obediencia en la Universidad de Yale. La investigación, planteada a raíz del juicio a Adolf Eichmann, pretendía dilucidar la relación de las personas con la autoridad. La violencia del experimento hizo que Milgram fuera tildado de sádico y de monstruo.
Death in the Desert
Matt Duvall
The life of Kim Davis, the young live-in girlfriend of legendary casino owner Ray Easler, is thrown upside down when she falls for Matt Duvall, the man Ray hires to bury his $20 million fortune of silver on the floor of the Nevada desert.