Marco Mattioli


The Goodbye Kiss
Esteban 'Javier' Collar
Leftist radical-turned-terrorist Giorgio—who fled to Latin America in the '70s to escape justice—decides to surrender after hearing about the fall of the Berlin Wall. Determined to lead a comfortable, bourgeois life in his native Italy, he cuts a deal with a shady police chief, getting his sentence reduced in exchange for ratting out former comrades. Once released, Giorgio obsessively pursues his dream of becoming a "respectable" citizen, even if the way is paved with larceny, pimping, drug-dealing, rape, heist, and murder...
El despertar del placer
Gerard, un rico aristócata italiano vive con su esposa Leonora y vive las experiencias sexuales más excitantes. Y las graban en un magnetófono para revivirlas en la intimidad. De repente Leonora fallece y los hijos de esta vienen al hogar paterno. Úrsula, la hijastra descubre las grabaciones y la excitan tanto que quiere repetirlas con su padrastro. Pero el padre no lo permite y Úrsula se marcha de casa y termina en un burdel donde de verdad comienzan las experiencias… Y la primera es con Gerard.
Learning to Love
Ignorance and inexperience in sexual relations afflict many couples. The film aims to deal with a kind of conductor that lists and exposes situations and problems, gradually illustrated that engage several pairs.