Emmanuelle Lussier Martinez

Emmanuelle Lussier Martinez


Emmanuelle Lussier Martinez
Emmanuelle Lussier Martinez
Emmanuelle Lussier Martinez


The Worm
Inheriting the family home is a chance for Jules and his partner, Alice, to write their own page in his family history. But they are thwarted by a strange force that spreads insidiously throughout the house. Is nostalgia driving Jules into madness?
No Wave
Henry is having difficulty getting sleep. His attempts to rest by listening to a natural sounds radio station lead him to experience something truly disturbing.
Ensayo para una revolución
Klas Batalo, Giutizia, Ordine Nuovo y Tumulto son cuatro quebequenses de veintitantos años que han rechazado el mundo en el que viven. Incentivados por la apatía de la sociedad y movidos por los eventos del Maple Spring, el cuarteto inicia varias acciones que les acercan de forma cada vez más peligrosa al terrorismo.
Bad Seeds
Jacques is an actor who runs away to the countryside to escape his gambling debts. He meets Simon, a rough and wily farmer who manipulates him into a business relationship. After a difficult start, the men help each other grow marijuana. They happen to meet Francesca, a sharp young woman who soon embraces their venture. By the time they get to the winter harvest, the three have learned to live together, but outside forces threaten the delicate balance of their little business...
Le dernier mardi
Jeune femme