Benny, an Israeli living in Berlin is called back home following his grandfather death. He arrives to Israel with his girlfriend Sara and his family can't wait to meet her. But suspicions arise. The family realizes that Benny and Sara haven't actually met in a synagogue but in front of a synagogue and that the right pronunciation of her name is Zahra. Zahra Abdulla to be precise. Zahra was born in Germany to a German mother and an Egyptian father. As tension rises, the members of the family discover that Benny and Zahra were not the only ones who tried to lead a quiet life while keeping secrets.
Viviane Amsalem se separó hace años de Elisha, su marido, y ahora quiere un divorcio legal para no convertirse en una marginada social. Los matrimonios civiles todavía no existen en Israel; tan solo manda la ley religiosa, que estipula que únicamente el marido puede conceder el divorcio. Sin embargo, Elisha, no está dispuesto a aceptarlo. Viviane tendrá que luchar ante el Tribunal Rabínico para lograr lo que ella considera un derecho. Así se verá inmersa en un proceso de varios años en el que la tragedia competirá con lo absurdo y absolutamente todo se pondrá en tela de juicio.