David Soul
Nacimiento : 1943-08-28, Chicago, Illinois, USA
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David Soul (born David Richard Solberg, August 28, 1943) is an American-British actor and singer. He is known for his role as Detective Kenneth "Hutch" Hutchinson in the ABC television series Starsky & Hutch from 1975 to 1979. In 2004 Soul became a British citizen, while retaining his U.S. citizenship.
Based on a true story in 1985. Derek is a dreamer and a loser. No matter how hard he tries he fails at everything he attempts. Determined to show the world he can succeed at something he forms an American Football team in a country dominated by Soccer, Rugby, Cricket and Fish & Chips. His desire to succeed consumes his life and he is blind to see that his success will lead to him losing everything.
El detective Bruce Robertson (James McAvoy) es el detective de policía más maleducado, pervertido, misántropo y adicto a las drogas y al sexo de Edimburgo. A pesar de ello, Robertson quiere un ascenso. Claramente es la persona adecuada para el trabajo; el resto de sus colegas son idiotas. Desafortunadamente, ha habido un asesinato y el jefe de Bruce quiere resultados. No hay problema. Él está al mando y cuando resuelva el caso y consiga el ascenso su mujer volverá con él.
Narrator (voice)
En un documental creado en Animal Planet se menciona que en el año 2004, unos jóvenes de Washington fueron los primeros en observar uno de los varamientos masivos de ballenas en EE.UU. Pero antes de reportar aquel hallazgo, observaron por varios minutos a aquellos mamíferos. Uno de estos chicos poseía una cámara, con la que grabó atentamente, cuando inesperadamente se percató de algo, lo que no necesariamente se trataba de una ballena. El descubrimiento de ellos fue descrito de muchas maneras en los informes oficiales, y aquel video no se hizo público hasta ahora. Este es un documental presenta uno de los descubrimientos científicos y antropológicos más grande de la humanidad: El de una criatura mítica, con una nueva inteligencia... (FILMAFFINITY)
Moscú, a principios de los 80, en plena Guerra Fría. Defraudado por el régimen comunista, el coronel del KGB Serguei Grigoriev se propone derrocarlo. Con este fin se pone en contacto con Pierre Froment, un joven ingeniero francés destacado en Moscú. Las informaciones altamente confidenciales que éste le suministra no tardan en despertar el interés de los servicios secretos occidentales. La información le llega al propio Mitterrand, quien decide alertar al presidente Reagan sobre la existencia de una gigantesca red de espionaje gracias a la cual los soviéticos conocen hasta el más mínimo detalle de las investigaciones científicas, industriales y militares de los países occidentales. Los dos presidentes deciden entonces aprovechar la delicada información que reciben de esa misteriosa fuente moscovita que los franceses han dado en llamar "Farewell".
Eric Bridges
Victorian inspired modern day supernatural film noir, set against the backdrop of Whitechapel, mediums and the work of supposed pagan architect Nicholas Hawksmoore.
Jerry Springer
"Jerry Springer: The Opera" tells the story of a day in the job of world famous talk-show host, Jerry Springer. Jerry has to sort out a number of guests problems; including a man who wants to dress up as a baby, a man with 3 lovers (one of them a transexual) and a fat woman who wants to be a pole dancer. However, on this particular day, something out of the ordinary will happen...
Andrew Pennington
David Suchet (His Dark Materials) is beloved detective Hercule Poirot in this star-studded, feature-length adaptation of the mystery by Agatha Christie. While vacationing in Egypt, Poirot intervenes when a jilted woman harasses her former friend (Emily Blunt, Mary Poppins Returns) and ex-boyfriend (JJ Feild, TURN: Washington's Spies), but their Nile River cruise turns deadly, nonetheless.
Original Hutch
Adaptación cinematográfica, en clave de humor, de la popular serie de televisión de los años setenta "Starsky & Hutch". Dave Starsky (Ben Stiller) y Ken “Hutch” Hutchinson (Owen Wilson) son dos detectives secretos de Bay City, California, unidos para realizar su primera misión. Starsky & Hutch contarán con la valiosa ayuda del astuto y genial Huggy Bear (Snoop Dogg) y de tres espectaculares animadoras (Carmen Electra, Amy Smart y Brande Roderick) para enfrentarse a un caso sumamente delicado y peligroso.
Darren Daniels, un atractivo, carismático y mentiroso presentador de televisión cuyo programa, TABLOID, se encarga de descubrir los secretos más oscuros de hasta la más virtuosa de sus celebridades. A pesar de tener una entre cinco posibilidades de ser humillado delante de todo el mundo, las más estrambóticas personalidades hacen cola para participar en la ruleta rusa de los programas de entrevistas. Engañado por las continuas peticiones de su productora Natasha para incrementar la audiencia, una noche fatal Darren conoce a Vince, quien le introducirá en una juerga erótica que acabará envuelta en monstruosa violencia. (FILMAFFINITY)
Roger Karey
A group of people are trapped in a deserted mall during a flood along with an escaped prisoner.
Heinrich Müller
En los Juegos Olímpicos de Seúl, en 1988, Eric Brogar, un atleta especializado en Pentatlon de Alemania oriental, decide desertar y fugarse con el equipo olímpico americano. Consumada la fuga, Eric se establece en Los Angeles, donde tiene una relación sentimental con una campeona de tiro, pero su relación se deteriora y acaba mal. Después de la caída del muro de Berlín, Eric consigue un trabajo como cocinero en un restaurante regentado por un afroamericano. Cuando su jefe se entera de que era un atleta de elite, campeón de las olimpiadas, le anima para que se ponga en forma y vuelva a la competición. (FILMAFFINITY)
Sam Haney
Supuestamente basada en hechos reales, los residentes de unas casas de reciente construcción experimentan diversos fenómenos sobrenaturales. Las cosas empeoran cuando descubren que el terreno sobre el que ahora viven era un cementerio.
Truman York
El intrépido abogado Perry Mason se ve rodeado por una conspiración donde nada es lo que parece. Bien podría ser al contrario y acabar de una vez por todas con esta serie interminable.
Terry Anderson
True story of a young woman's abduction by a deranged loner that led to the largest manhunt in the history of Pennsylvania.
Owen Malloy / John McGuire
A Brooklyn widow (Susan Lucci) traces the past of her boxer/sculptor husband (David Soul), gunned down on their wedding day.
Dr. Frieberg
High profile fashion photographer Scott Bruin has been suffering from a series of increasingly disturbing and violent dreams in which he savagely attacks and murders a young woman. Fearing for his sanity, Scott begins to investigate these strange visions but slowly starts to believe that these all-too-real seeming nightmares might not be dreams after all and that the woman in them is in imminent danger.
Alden Ernst
A white supremacist exploits the works of a college anthropologist and a teen who joins his group.
Martin Henkle
Nazis aim a secret weapon at the USA during WW2. The only people who can stop it must race against time and overwhelming odds.
Peter Armetage
Dos mujeres policías han sido brutalmente asesinadas y ahora Kelly Mulcahaney puede ser la próxima víctima. Encargada por el comisario de policía Peter Armatage (David Soul) para llevar el caso. la detective descubrirá que ambas sufrieron abusos deshonestos por parte de sus compañeros. Un cierto olor a podrido planea sobre el cuerpo de policía y Kelly Mulcahaney debe esclarecerlo antes de que ella sea la próxima.
Michael Lee Platt
It is 1985, and a small, tranquil Florida town is being rocked by a wave of vicious serial murders and bank robberies. Particularly sickening to the authorities is the gratuitous use of violence by two “Rambo” like killers who dress themselves in military garb. Based on actual events taken from FBI files, the movie depicts the Bureau’s efforts to track down these renegades.
Jefferson Cope
Cuando una multimillonaria, cuya fortuna es ambicionada por varias personas, muere asesinada, las sospechas recaen sobre sus posibles herederos. El detective Hércules Poirot es el encargado de investigar el crimen.
Harry Petros
A private eye becomes the target of both a Chinese syndicate and the police during an investigation into the mysterious death of an old friend.
Lionel Chetwynd's film documents the horrific struggles that faced American POWs held in the North Vietnamese prison Hoa Lo -- more infamously known as the Hanoi Hilton -- between 1964 and 1975. Williamson (Michael Moriarty) leads a group of American servicemen who are prisoners at the detention camp. He assumes command after Cathcart (Lawrence Pressman) is dragged off to be tortured.
Capt. Kevin Harris
The crew of a Polaris submarine, on a training mission simulating an attack on Russia, is stricken by toxic poisoning. One of the poison's effects is to make its victims hallucinate, and the sub's captain imagines that he has been given an order to actually attack Russia. He prepares to do exactly that.
Alex Wolff
En El Cairo, un espía alemán infiltrado intenta conseguir información sobre los movimientos del enemigo en el frente. Con este fin utilizará todos los medios a su alcance, sin importarle manipular a las personas que conoce.
William Parrish
A musician living in an apartment building likes to check out the residents of the building opposite him--until he finds out one day that an attractive woman in that building is checking him out. He strikes up a relationship with her. Soon afterwards a string of serial killings occurs in the neighborhood, and suspicion begins to fall on the musician.
Jake Seaton
The relationship among a divorced man, his incurably ill teenage son, and his long-estranged father is explored when the youngster joins his dad for one final summer vacation and they end up at the grandfather's vineyard where he reconciles the two older men.
Cal Morrisey
In an attempt to be rehabilitated, a rapist goes to therapy while in prison.
Sun Valley provides the backdrop to this story of a downhill ski racer who seeks to make a comeback after being branded a loser and the ski bunny who helps him regain his self-respect.
Jesse Swan
Sun Valley provides the backdrop to this story of a downhill ski racer who seeks to make a comeback after being branded a loser and the ski bunny who helps him regain his self-respect.
Duke Turnbeau
Duke Turnbeau (David Soul) has come to England, in the 1930s, as a way to improve his fortunes. For some reason, he believes that his larcenous ways will bring him prosperity in the country which at one time or another has had rulership over a large portion of the globe. While there, he meets Rosie McCratchit (Pamela McMyler), a lovely Irish gal who could do with some improvement in her fortunes as well. Together, they have a series of legal, quasi-legal and definitely illegal adventures, including Duke's cow-roping and Rosie's response to the mud-wrestling challenge of the Amazon Lady, as well as an attempted armored-car robbery.
Lyle York
The sister of ex-pimp and current Los Angeles Police detective Lyle York was murdered working the streets a few years ago. Since his reform, he has teamed with Officer Russ Garfield to clear the streets of underage girls working in prostitution. Pretty, young runaway Hailey Atkins has been turned out. Down deep she wants to go straight but has had great difficulty escaping her pimp and doesn't even have a place to go. York and Garfield go out on a limb to try and help.
Det. Ken 'Hutch' Hutchinson
A young couple in a car exactly like Starsky's is killed by hitmen and word is out on the street that there's a contract out on Starsky and Hutch. This is a TV-pilot that was an ABC Movie of the Week and later turned into the TV-series.
A man who has lost his beloved pet dog enlists the help of a young drifter in finding the animal. This leads to a series of misadventures, including a confrontation with a hulking dog-pound worker and a stint providing the entertainment at a millionaire's party.
Capt. Roy Bishop
Cuatro hombres son enviados a bordo del vuelo 412 para tratar de subsanar unos problemas técnicos que afectan al radar de una torre de control.
John Davis
Los principales asesinos de la ciudad están siendo asesinados en San Francisco. Uno a uno, los criminales que han escapado de una acción judicial están recibiendo la justicia que merecen, un tipo de justicia que haría pensar que el detective de homicidios Harry Callahan está utilizando sus métodos implacables. Pero los asesinos han juzgado mal a Harry, que deberá enfrentarse esta vez a un inesperado escuadrón de la muerte que lleva placa policial. Su enemigo verdadero es el sistema. Pero Harry ha jurado proteger el sistema con su Magnum 44.
Curt Lowens
John McKennon, a former FBI agent who runs Intertect, an international investigative agency, is followed as he tackles various assignments.
A race car driver and his friend, a motorcycle racer and former POW, join forces to tour the U.S. in search of competition.
Swede, World War I Soldier
Un joven combatiente de la Primera Guerra Mundial despierta totalmente confuso en un hospital, confinado de por vida, ciego, sordomudo y con las piernas y los brazos amputados a causa de una explosión sucedida durante un bombardeo. Al principio no es consciente de lo que le ha sucedido y en qué condiciones está, pero poco a poco comienza a darse cuenta...