Reet Brandt


The End of the Chain
Assistant Art Director
A secluded fast food joint next to an empty parking lot, where it's good to go because nobody recognizes you there. On a rainy autumnal day, people show up one after the other – all of them on the verge of a breakdown – or perhaps a breakthrough? The main character, Waitress, sees and absorbs it all. One by one – through their personal drama – the clients push the Waitress towards her own edge.
In the Crosswind
Production Design
14 de junio de 1941. Sin previo aviso, decenas de miles de personas en Estonia, Letonia y Lituania son expulsadas de sus hogares. El objetivo de esta operación -llevada a cabo por orden del líder soviético, Joseph Stalin- es purgar los países bálticos de sus habitantes nativos. Erna, estudiante de filosofia, felizmente casada y madre de una hija pequeña, es deportada a Siberia.
It's Cold
Art Direction
Sin descripción