Tarvo Schmeimann


Scandinavian Silence
Boom Operator
A recently released convict reunites with his sister. They set out on a journey but soon realize that years apart have made communication all but impossible.
The Little Comrade
Boom Operator
In the midst of Stalinist tyranny, six-year-old Leelo's mother is sent to a prison camp. Haunted by her mother's last words telling her to be a good kid, Leelo vows to be on her best behaviour in the confusing grown-up world in the hope that it will bring her mother back.
The Days That Confused
Sound Editor
Finales de los años 90 en una pequeña ciudad de Estonia. Allar es ya casi un treintañero que se pasa los días con sus amigos emborrachándose, acosando a las chicas y conduciendo de forma peligrosa. Pero un accidente le hará ver la vida de otra manera.
The Secret Society of Souptown
‘Secret Society of Souptown’ es una cinta de aventuras para toda la familia que tiene lugar en Souptown, un barrio de la ciudad veraniega de Tartu (Estonia). Cuatro niños (Mari,Sadu, Olav y Anton) forman una sociedad secreta para jugar a los juegos de escondite inventados por el abuelo de Mari, profesor de universidad. Pero cuando la ciudad es atacada por un misterioso veneno que convierte a los adultos en niños, el grupo se embarca en una misión para encontrar el antídoto. Su camino está plagado de desafíos mucho más grandes de los que han visto nunca, y es una aventura que no apenas llegan a imaginar. ¿Conseguirán el antídoto a tiempo para salvar a sus seres queridos?
In the Crosswind
Sound Recordist
14 de junio de 1941. Sin previo aviso, decenas de miles de personas en Estonia, Letonia y Lituania son expulsadas de sus hogares. El objetivo de esta operación -llevada a cabo por orden del líder soviético, Joseph Stalin- es purgar los países bálticos de sus habitantes nativos. Erna, estudiante de filosofia, felizmente casada y madre de una hija pequeña, es deportada a Siberia.
Sound Recordist
A demeaning game-show appearance, an ill-advised mushroom-picking outing that goes horribly off the rails, inquiries from a cynical reporter — things just keep getting worse for the middle-aged politician at the centre of Estonian director Toomas Hussar's satire about a shallow, fame-obsessed post-Cold War culture.
Bad Hair Friday
Sound Director
At an ever-accelerating pace, this thriller / dark comedy tells the story of 8 very different groups whose paths cross in the space of 24 hours. We meet a wide range of characters - from spoiled rich brats to real bottom-feeding criminal scum, and everyone in-between. In the best traditions of Commedia dell’arte, the characters each have easily recognizable roles
Sound Designer
Sound Director
A Friend of Mine
Boom Operator
Mati, a 70-year-old bibliophile, cannot cope with his wife's death. As loneliness and indifference overrun his thoughts, he contemplates suicide until he meets a younger man who sparks his interest in life.
Children of Karosta
Sound Director
The story of Viktorija and her family who live in a former Soviet military base in Latvia – Karosta. The surrounding environment, its isolation, and the socio-economic situation has put these people in a test for survival. After losing their apartment, Viktorija and her eight children look for ways to escape the common destiny surrounding the Karosta community.
It's Cold
Sound Director
Sin descripción