Jan Viljus


Fools of Fame
Visual Effects
The feature film based on Eduard Bornhöhe's story takes the viewer to the early days of the 20th century, when Estonia was still part of the tsarist Russia. Pride in one's nation was emerging and the desire to give something eternal to one's people at any cost - be it a miracle machine flying in the air or valuable literature written in the language of the country. Unfortunately, it was not that easy and sometimes there was lack of talent.
Captain Volkonogov Escaped
Visual Effects
Captain Fedor Volkonogov works in law enforcement. He is on the good books of the management, and his colleagues respect him. But one day, his life abruptly changes: he is declared a criminal. The Captain manages to run away before he is arrested. Suddenly he turns into an outcast, whom his former colleagues search across the whole city. At night Volkonogov is visited by a messenger from the other world, who warns him that after death he will go hell and be tormented forever. But he has an opportunity to change his fate and get to paradise if he repents, and at least one person forgives him. The Captain embarks on his way to find forgiveness. But he cannot even fathom what tests are awaiting him on this way.
Post Production Coordinator
Una misteriosa “conferencia” se prepara en un teatro. Natasha, superviviente del sonado sitio de rehenes del teatro Dubrovka de Moscú en 2002 (primera crisis del gobierno de Putin, solucionada de polémica manera) organiza un acto conmemorativo para las víctimas. Una tensa y fantasmal ceremonia catártica con la que Tverdovskiy ("Jumpman") confecciona desconcertantes estampas y levanta escamas en la historia reciente de Europa. ¿Hasta qué punto la memoria histórica es un acto de justicia, una acción terapéutica o una traba para labrarnos un futuro? Tanto olvidar como recrearse en el trauma son dos filos de una misma navaja. (SEFF)
El amanecer de la guerra
Visual Effects
Un thriller histórico de espías ambientado en 1939 sobre un agente de inteligencia estonio encargado de descubrir al agente doble soviético en sus filas.
Bad Hair
Visual Effects
Insecure and balding Leo has closed himself in his apartment to try a hair growth liquid for fixing up his looks. As Leo tries to get his bodily changes under control the evening quickly turns into chaos.
Visual Effects
A man falls off a roof. Another one drowns. Another catches fire. Wherever you look, men are dropping like flies. “May God rest their souls,” sigh the widows as they cross themselves somberly. This is the life and the death of the men in Virago—a village where for centuries no man has lived long enough to see his fortieth birthday. Until today.
Scandinavian Silence
Visual Effects
A recently released convict reunites with his sister. They set out on a journey but soon realize that years apart have made communication all but impossible.
The Dissidents
Visual Effects
An upbeat comedy about three boys that escape from Soviet Estonia to Sweden via Finland in the 1980s to fulfill their dreams in the free world.
Out of Fashion
Online Editor
A documentary following an Estonian fashion designer Reet Aus on a global tour to explore the origin process and the environmental footprints of today's fast paced fashion industry. On the road the mission takes an unexpected turn towards trying to introduce her "upcycling" inspired product line to some of the major fashion retailers to increase awareness of the massive resource waste built into the current product lifecycle.
The Secret Society of Souptown
Visual Effects
‘Secret Society of Souptown’ es una cinta de aventuras para toda la familia que tiene lugar en Souptown, un barrio de la ciudad veraniega de Tartu (Estonia). Cuatro niños (Mari,Sadu, Olav y Anton) forman una sociedad secreta para jugar a los juegos de escondite inventados por el abuelo de Mari, profesor de universidad. Pero cuando la ciudad es atacada por un misterioso veneno que convierte a los adultos en niños, el grupo se embarca en una misión para encontrar el antídoto. Su camino está plagado de desafíos mucho más grandes de los que han visto nunca, y es una aventura que no apenas llegan a imaginar. ¿Conseguirán el antídoto a tiempo para salvar a sus seres queridos?
Bad Hair Friday
Visual Effects
At an ever-accelerating pace, this thriller / dark comedy tells the story of 8 very different groups whose paths cross in the space of 24 hours. We meet a wide range of characters - from spoiled rich brats to real bottom-feeding criminal scum, and everyone in-between. In the best traditions of Commedia dell’arte, the characters each have easily recognizable roles
The Idiot
Visual Effects
A story of a naive man, whose direct behavior stirs in people moral unrest, rage and embarrassment over their own pettiness, making them yearn for goodness. Based on the book by F. Dostojevski.