Siiri Lauri


Life & Love
Makeup Designer
In the summer of 1933, looking for better opportunities, Irma comes from the countryside to the city to her relative Lonni. Irma is excited about the change of environment, while Lonni is disappointed with city life and sees Irma's arrival as a new freshness for herself. Rudolf, a middle-aged printer, hires young Irma as a maid in his luxurious apartment. The man's charm and mystery fascinate the girl, and pretty soon feelings ignite. They get married, but then inconsistencies in Rudolf's behavior begin to appear, which puts Irma, who dreamed of true love, in an extremely difficult situation.
Makeup Artist
It's the summer of 1990. The Soviet Union is teetering on the verge of collapse, while the little Baltic nations struggle to take back their lost independence. The Soviet Union's basketball championship is set to begin on the backdrop of a deeply divided society. The Estonian team Kalev faces a momentous decision. With Estonian independence seemingly within reach, a rising tide of public opinion opposes the Estonian national team's participation in the USSR's championship. That would contradict the people's aspirations for liberation. As professional athletes, the team makes the unpopular choice. The championship games start.
Scandinavian Silence
Makeup Artist
A recently released convict reunites with his sister. They set out on a journey but soon realize that years apart have made communication all but impossible.
Truth and Justice
Makeup Artist
Estonia, 1872. El intransigente nuevo propietario de Robber's Rise debe luchar con trabajo duro, su vecina rencorosa y con su propia familia y creencias para transformar la tierra pobre en una floreciente granja de sus sueños.
Phantom Owl Forest
Makeup Artist
A 10-year old girl's Christmas plans take an unexpected turn after she is brought to a mysterious Estonian farm.
FRESH BLOOD: Own and Stranger
Makeup Artist
Six fresh short films on the topic "Own and Stranger" from even more fresh Estonian directors.
Makeup Artist
In True, five strangers meet in a doctor’s office. In a changing world, even an innocent joke is enough to trigger an avalanche.
Makeup Artist
Harri is a lieutenant colonel in the Estonian army. Divorced, he only sees his 10-year old son during school holidays. Harri decides to make up for lost time by going to an adventurous father-son winter trip to an island. Missing the last ferry, Harri decides to take a local ice road over the frozen sea.
Makeup Artist
Tras haber tomado una difícil decisión, Anna y Juhan se sienten incapaces de seguir con sus vidas. Van a pasar unos días en la residencia veraniega de unos amigos,donde ofrecen cobijo a una pareja que se ha visto sorprendida por la tormenta. La pareja da por supuesto que la casa pertenece a Anna y Juhan y ellos no hacen nada para sacarles del error. En lugar de eso, aprovechan sus nuevos roles y empiezan a verbalizar su resentimiento mutuo ante los dos extraños. Pretenders es un drama psicológico sobre las verdades e ilusiones de una relación.
The Spy And The Poet
Makeup Artist
Lonely secret service officer Gustav meets a mysterious gypsy woman. It soon comes clear that it is a trap set by the Russian intelligence. Gustav is ordered to continue the relationship to get a better understanding of the enemy's plans. Unfortunately, Gustav finds himself struggling with the task, as he is falling in love with the enemy. Is there a way out of this situation?
Ghost Mountaineer
Makeup Artist
A group of Estonian students on a winter hiking trip suddenly find themselves in the middle of bloodcurdling events in a Buryatian village. Olle, a closed off group leader disappointed in his mates, disappears in the mountains in the last day of the trip. Open-minded and adventurous Eero and the rest of the hikers are facing a situation they at first do not want to, but later can not solve. But no one is prepared for devastation seemingly conducted by the vanished group leader Olle. In strange country and amidst strange people, the group will soon find out that past actions and vengeance do not know the thin line between life and death.
In the Crosswind
Makeup Artist
14 de junio de 1941. Sin previo aviso, decenas de miles de personas en Estonia, Letonia y Lituania son expulsadas de sus hogares. El objetivo de esta operación -llevada a cabo por orden del líder soviético, Joseph Stalin- es purgar los países bálticos de sus habitantes nativos. Erna, estudiante de filosofia, felizmente casada y madre de una hija pequeña, es deportada a Siberia.
Rat King
Makeup Artist
18 year old Juri is seriously addicted to online gaming, so much so he becomes isolated from his single mother and pushes his girlfriend to the brink of leaving him. He decides to quit, but is soon lured back by one of his net-mates, Niki, who - when they meet for the first time - turns out to look strikingly like Juri. Niki has a web-address tattooed on his arm and when Juri types it into his computer, he gets drawn into a curious game that grants him the username RAT KING. As the game becomes increasingly dangerous, Niki vows to help Juri get through it. But the game triggers a series of life-threatening events and pretty soon Juri realizes that he is gaming for his life.
Rat Trap
Makeup Artist
During an election campaign, a large sum of money goes missing at an Estonian politician's home party. The story involves some party guests who have serious money problems and are trying to come to terms with past mistakes. However, the self-confident politician strangely does not turn to the police, but begins to demand his justice by force.
Letters to Angel
Makeup Artist
Film about a man who was sent to fight in Afghanistan years ago, where he converted to Islam. He now returns home only to find himself facing another kind of war.The front line in the decrepit Estonian town runs between Eastern and Western culture, men and women, common sense and madness. Somewhere amidst these battles is his daughter, who Kirotaja has decided to find after all the years of absence. His only leads are the sound of his daughter crying, heard once on the telephone, and a dog-eared notebook full of letters addressed to her. But the town has other plans for him and the women running it seem to take him for their savior from the nagging feeling of emptiness that has enveloped them. (from imdb)
December Heat
Makeup Artist
The young country of Estonia is dancing to the jazzy tune of the 1920's when on December 1, 1924, the capital Tallinn is overrun by members of the Comintern in an attempt to stage a Communist coup. The film follows the fates of a young soldier called Tanel and his wife, a telephone operator named Anna, amidst the ensuing chaos which determines whether the country remains independent or becomes a minor province in the Communist Empire.