Guido Cosulich


The Lion Has Seven Heads
A white-robed preacher wanders and sermonizes across African lands; European communists and CIA spies conspire out of mutual self-interest to engineer the appointment of an African bourgeois to a puppet government presidency; and a revolutionary group marches in exile.
Brazil Year 2000
Year 2000. Brazil was partially devastated by the Third World War. An immigrant family arrives in a small town, which they call "I Forgot." The trio is recruited by an indigenist to pretend to be indigenous during the visit of a general. In the dilemma of integrating into the system or preserving individual freedom, the family moves toward disintegration as the city prepares to launch a space rocket.
El director logra una caricatura aguda de la condición humana y su satirización, provocando risas espontáneas cuándo se detiene en los absurdos del racismo, la personalidad de los indios y el modo en que las distintas clases sociales se devoran entre sí. La película se inspira en una famosa novela de Mario de Andrade, fundador del "Movimiento Literario Modernista" de los años 20 y narra la historia y la metamorfosis de Macunaíma, el héroe perezoso y sin ningún carácter, que nace negro en el interior de Brasil. Emigra con sus hermanos hacia la gran ciudad en busca de un amuleto de la suerte, y en el camino se vuelve blanco. En la ciudad entablará una relación con una guerrillera urbana y un magnate capitalista.
Idoli controluce
Having been assigned by his publisher to write a biography of Omar Sivori, the great footballer, Ugo Sanfelice heads for Torino. Given he is not very knowledgeable about soccer, Ugo tries -several times but in vain - to obtain an appointment from Sivori. Forced to fall back upon persons being or having been in contact with the elusive star, he gets to know young forward-center Moretti and soon becomes friendly with him. The young man confides in him and tells him the whole truth about his own "career" : the training in a small provincial team, the promising debut alongside Sivori, the desertion of his fiancée, the premature decline due to a dissolute life. When Sanfelice finally meets Sivori, he finds that the star is no match - humanely at least - for Moretti and he gives up writing the book at all.
The Dare
Director of Photography
Passively facing the repression imposed by military dictatorship in Brazil in the 60s, a journalist gets into a personal crisis, aggravated by his love affair with an industrialist's wife, who doesn't want to leave her home because of her son
Il mio amico Benito
Assistant Camera
A clerk has had a picture taken during W.W.I with the future Italian dictator Mussolini and tries to exploit the situation pretending he is a dear friend of his. When he finds out who Mussolini really is he changes his mind and goes back to his bleak life.
Abbasso il zio
Children playing on a graveyard.
The Orderly
Assistant Camera
Colonels, majors, lieutenants: all of them live in the same building. Some of them have a wife or children or none, but everyone has his orderly. Major Penna is harassed by Osvaldo's mother. Lt. Martucci gets involved in the love affair between Antonio, his orderly, and Lauretta.