Production Design
Determined to do his utmost to protect his homeland from ever-imminent invasion, young Luka – a talented sniper – makes the lengthy trek from region 27 north to Fort Kairos, an outpost on the Steppe where the General and her council maintain guard against the pending onslaught from the North. In this desolate industrial complex, fear of an attack that never seems to come by an enemy that perhaps does not exist has morphed into a sort of serene paranoia. Military training has congealed, becoming a series of bizarre, animalistic rituals; punishment for minor infractions ranges from shovelling excrement to death by thirst. When at last there is dim evidence that the North is mobilising its troops, it becomes apparent that dogma now trumps truth, compassion and common sense.
Production Design
How the last King of the Belgians becomes the first Emperor of Europe.
Production Design
El rey de los belgas está de visita oficial en Estambul cuando Bélgica colapsa. El rey debe volver de inmediato para salvar su reino. Pero una tormenta hace cerrar el espacio aéreo y las comunicaciones. No hay aviones ni teléfonos. Con la ayuda de un cineasta inglés y un grupo de músicos búlgaros, el rey y su séquito logran cruzar la frontera de incógnito. Ahora comenzará para él una odisea a través de los Balcanes en la que descubrirá el mundo de verdad, y a él mismo.
Art Direction
The life of a young man struggling between the moral dilemmas, society where he lives, personal problems and the love of his life.
Production Design
The story of a Summer shared by six young people. It all begins with their escapes from the bleak and dreary City. Each one of them escapes East of Hell... to the point farthest away, the sea coast, a clean and pristine beach. The clean beach brings them together and reopens the prospective of hope to them all. But is such an escape at all possible? Written by Anonymous (
Four friends and three girls spend a summer on a desolated beach, living in an abandoned hut.