Giorgio Hermann


Caprice Italian Style
Set Decoration
Dividida en seis historias: "La niñera" de Monicelli, "El monstruo del domingo" de Steno, "¿Por qué?" de Bolognini, "¿Qué son las nubes?" de Pasolini, "Viaje de trabajo" de Rossi y Zac, y "Los celos" de Bolognini.
Menage a la italiana
Set Decoration
Narra los hechos de un don Juan, trepador social y polígamo que busca la manera de casarse con mil trucos con mujeres ricas para luego quedarse con su dinero y luego desaparecer fingiendo su suicidio.
Casanova '70
Set Decoration
Un comandante italiano de servicio en la OTAN descubre que resulta impotente salvo en ocasiones de extremo peligro.
Let's Talk About Men
Production Design
An industrial exploiter, an old knife thrower, a cynical professor, and an ungrateful husband depict the selfishness and superficiality of the male gender.
Maciste contra los fantasmas
Set Decoration
Maciste debe luchar contra los siniestros hombres Luna, que sacrifican seres humanos a su divinidad esperando que esto provoque la resurrección de su reina fallecida.
Set Decoration
Salvatori pays a visit to his old ma who is bedridden in a gloomy old people’s home. He promises her that pretty soon he’ll be rich and they’ll live together in their house. The young man is hired as a catering assistant in a desirable mansion, but the owner of the place is dying. The wife and the daughter are trying to regain the old man’s love and affection while the son is busy gathering his friends for a feast.
Su mejor enemigo
Set Decoration
Un oficial británico es capturado por una patrulla italiana durante la campaña de Abisinia. Posteriormente es liberado con una condición: que persuada a los británicos para que no ataquen a los italianos, sino que los dejen llegar tranquilamente a su base.
The Hunchback
Set Decoration
Alvaro Cosenza, also known as the Hunchback from Quarticciolo, during Rome's occupation by Nazis in 1943, decides to revolt.
The Great Deception
Costume Design
Burgundy 1728. Old count Antoine d'Eon is overjoyed. His daughter-in-law has finally given birth to a boy and he will at long last be able to transmit his inheritance to his son Pascal. At least this is what he thinks, for Pascal has concealed from his father the fact that his son was ... a daughter, his eighth daughter! Well, enough is enough and Geneviève has no other choice but become a boy first, then a soldier and even the special envoy of Louis XV, King of France, to Catherine II, the Czarina of Russia.
Fantasmas de medianoche
Set Decoration
Una joven llamada Carmela, que está a pocos días de casarse, atraviesa sonámbula los tejados cuando suenan las campanas de medianoche. Su destino es la casa de Totò, el hombre del que está enamorada, pero ella no lo sabe, aún...
La ley es la ley
Set Decoration
Ferdinand es un estricto agente francés que vigila la aduana de Assola, población en parte francesa y en parte italiana, porque la frontera que separa ambos países atraviesa el pueblo. Don Giuseppe es un contrabandista italiano que intenta sacar partido de esta circunstancia, pero sus esfuerzos siempre se ve truncados por culpa del implacable Ferdinand. Pero un buen día Don Giuseppe descubre algo muy interesante: la casa en la que nació Ferdinand ocupa la línea que divide el pueblo, de modo que si hubiera nacido en la cocina, entonces sería italiano y quedaría inhabilitado como agente aduanero francés.
Kean: Genius or Scoundrel
Set Decoration
England, first half of the 19th century. Edmund Kean is a celebrated theatre actor, notorious for his tumultuous private life. He is in love with the beautiful countess Koefeld, wife of the Danish ambassador, to the consternation of his friend, the Prince of Wales. He is also hounded by Anna Damby, who wants to become an actress to escape a marriage to Lord Mewill.
La bella campesina
Set Decoration
En el siglo XVII, cuando Nápoles formaba parte del Imperio Español, un astuto molinero (Mastroianni) se aprovecha de la belleza de su mujer para obtener favores de la administración española. Remake de "El sombrero de tres picos" que estrenó el propio Camerini 20 años antes.
It Happens in Roma
Assistant Set Decoration
Airy comedy of a man a woman and the lengths they'll go to for a really great apartment! Located in the center of Rome with amazing views both want it and strike the compromise of marrying each other platonically to get it. The woman still hopes for true love and the man agrees to step aside should that special someone come along but he is secretly smitten with her and surreptitiously makes her various suitors look like fools. All goes well until he comes up against Rosanno Brazzi and finds him a tough challenge to overcome.
Casta diva
Assistant Costume Designer
As soon as he graduated from the Naples Conservatory, Vincenzo Bellini meets Maddalena Fumaroli and immediately falls in love with her.
Sins of Casanova
Assistant Costume Designer
Casanova se encuentra en España hacia 1760, enamorando a todas las mujeres que se cruzan en su camino, solteras, comprometidas o casadas.
House of Ricordi
Assistant Costume Designer
The film covers a hundred years in the lives of the Ricordi family, the Milan publishing house of the title, and the various composers and other historic personalities, whose careers intersected with the growth of the Ricordi house. It beautifully draws the parallel between the great music of the composers, the historic and social upheavals of their times, as well as the "smaller stories" of the successive generations of Ricordi.
Twelve Hours to Live
Set Decoration