Yakov Smirnoff
Nacimiento : 1951-01-24, Odesa, Ukraine
Yakov Naumovich Pokhis (Russian: Яков Наумович Похис; born 24 January 1951), better known as Yakov Smirnoff (Russian: Яков Смирнов; /ˈsmɪərnɒf/), is a Ukrainian-American comedian, actor and writer of Jewish origin. He began his career as a stand-up comedian in Ukraine, then immigrated to the United States in 1977 in order to pursue an American show business career, not yet knowing any English. He reached his biggest success in the mid-to-late 1980s, appearing in several films and the television sitcom vehicle What a Country!. His comic persona was of a naive immigrant from the Soviet Union who was perpetually confused and delighted by life in the United States. His humor combined a mockery of life under communism and of consumerism in the United States, as well as word play caused by misunderstanding of American phrases and culture, all punctuated by the catchphrase, "And I thought, 'What a country!'"
The collapse of communism starting in 1989, and the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, brought an end to Smirnoff's widespread popularity, although he continued to perform. In 1993, he began performing year round at his own theater in Branson, Missouri, where he remained until 2015. He occasionally still performs limited dates at his theater in Branson while touring worldwide.
Smirnoff earned a master's degree in psychology from the University of Pennsylvania in 2006 and a doctorate in psychology and global leadership from Pepperdine University in 2019. He has also taught a course titled "The Business of Laughter" at Missouri State University and at Drury University.
Estranged brothers Jim and Dave must travel to Branson together when their father dies and leaves them the lake home. A series of hilarious mishaps and costly misadventures follow as they attempt to restore the house and rebuild their relationship.
Yakov Smirnoff stand up show from his theater in Branson, MO.
Russian comedian Yakov Smirnoff examines the differences between men and women in this one-man show.
Experience some of the funniest moments from Yakov's "Branson Today" talk show. There's always something funny about Yakov, but there's something even funnier about his audience!
Experience some of the funniest moments from Yakov's "Branson Today" talk show. There's always something funny about Yakov, but there's something even funnier about his audience!
Experience some of the funniest moments from Yakov's "Branson Today" talk show. There's always something funny about Yakov, but there's something even funnier about his audience!
Yakov Smirnoff delivers some of his best material in this hilarious stand-up comedy special. Audiences have been enjoying his unique brand of comedy for over 25 years, and you'll see why in this side-splitting special!
Comedian Yakov Smirnoff performing at the Yakov Theater in Branson, Missouri. Once again, using his skills with irony and word play to show the contrast of life here in the United States, and the former Soviet Union, the place of his birth. A lovely walk through context, meaning, and a slight dig at the English language.
Yakov Smirnoff TV special from Moscow, Idaho
Contractor Laszlo
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Some of the best new talent is showcased in these annual comedy specials each year. Every show is hosted by a different accomplished comedian. In 1984, the 9th year, the host was the magnificent Rodney Dangerfield.
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National Security Advisor
Buckaroo Banzai, un prestigioso científico, neurocirujano, piloto de carreras, cantante de rock y héroe de cómics, en una de sus investigaciones, abre una puerta a otra dimensión. El problema es que la referida dimensión está siendo empleada como cárcel por una raza alienígena, y la Tierra se ve amenazada de ser invadida o destruida por la policía alienígena. De modo que Buckaroo, con ayuda de su guardaespaldas, sus colegas científicos, el grupo de rock, algunos de sus fans, un embajador alienígena y un cantante de country tejano tomará cartas en el asunto.
Un saxofonista soviético, Vladimir Ivanoff (Robin Williams), logra escapar de la K.G.B. y se marcha a Estados Unidos, donde consigue asilo político. Vladimir se instala en Nueva York, en Harlem, en el superpoblado piso de Lionel Witherspoon (Cleavant Derricks), un guardia de seguridad. Allí conoce a una voluptuosa italiana, Lucia Lombardo (María Conchita Alonso), y a un perspicaz abogado cubano, Orlando Ramírez (Alejandro Rey), entre mucha otra gente. Vladimir experimentará la frialdad y el dolor que sienten, a menudo, los inmigrantes en una tierra extraña, pero poco a poco, aprenderá a querer a su nuevo país. (FILMAFFINITY)