Michael Angeli


Killing Mr. Griffin
The high school students didn't mean to kill Mr. Griffin. They wanted to make him suffer. But when their mean English teacher turns up dead, they have to find out who killed them before the police arrests them all.
The Secret She Carried
Ellen, a happily married young teacher is raped and beaten by a man who threatens her and her husband if she goes to the police. She is admitted to the hospital and reports the rape to the police. The police in turn go after a suspect, Lewis Snow. Meanwhile, Ellen finds out that she is pregnant, however, she doesn't know if it's her attacker's baby or her husband's.
Sketch Artist II: Hands That See
Police sketch artist Jack Whitfield helps blind rape victim Emmy describe her attacker – a serial rapist and murderer who is now out to get her.
Conflicto de intereses
Gideon es un criminal que ha montado su propio imperio a costa de los coches robados y la prostitución. Pero se ha enemistado con un policía peligroso, Mickey, que no se deja impresionar por las amenazas de Gideon y su intento de hacer creer a la opinión pública que su hijo ha cometido un asesinato. Ha llegado el momento del cara a cara final entre el ladrón y el policía
El rostro de la muerte
Jack, dibujante experto en retratos-robots, acude, una vez más a la comisaria. En esta ocasión se trata del asesinato de un empresario de modas, pero mientras realiza el retrato se da cuenta de que el dibujo le es extrañamente familiar...