Mario Rossini


Sergio Marchionne
Documentary dedicated to Sergio Marchionne, the entrepreneur who led Fiat to a profound renewal managing, in just three years, to save it from the brink of bankruptcy, to put its accounts back in order and to face the great global recession with a strategy of attack that seemed to be on the verge of impossible but which turned out to be successful.
Notti in bianco, baci a colazione
Questo è un uomo
Il nostro Papa
Forbidden School
Mixing dramatizations and real-life interviews, this film tells the story of four Jewish children who endured the brutal anti-Semitism of fascist Italy.
Animals in the Great War
In the First World War, alongside the men fought an army of animals. Mules, oxen, dogs, horses, pigs, pigeons were used for moving units and materials, communications, and for the support of the troops. The forced cohabitation with men closer to each other in a possible fate of death and suffering: officers and enlisted men had the opportunity to give and receive affection, but also to deal with beings weak and completely dependent on their . Animals in the Great War offers an unconventional story of dramatic conflict, through letters, diaries and photographs taken by the fighters, and collected in the book that Lucio Fabi has derived from his research, The good soldier mule (ed. MURSIA). A documentary rebuild memories, stories, episodes of real life relationship, in and out of the trench, between humans and animals, including incredible moments of absolute serenity and tenderness, alternating the background of one of the most tragic periods in modern history.
Una casa en el corazón
Cristiana Capotondi es Anna, el personaje principal de una historia que se centra en uno de los grandes problemas de nuestro tiempo: la crisis de la vivienda. Ella relata el drama de los que de repente se encuentra sin trabajo, sin sueldo, sin amigos y sobre todo sin un techo sobre su cabeza.
La noche de los tiburones
Assistant Director
El jefe de la mafia, Rosetski, trata de encontrar a James para doblarle el cuello y lo persigue hasta una pequeña comunidad costera mexicana, derribando el avión del huidizo protagonista, con lo que provoca sin desearlo el hundimiento de los diamantes. Pero quien se anime a bucear en su búsqueda deberá sortear el peligro de los hambrientos tiburones que plagan la costa.