Adam Bertocci


A Brilliant Monster
¿De dónde sacas esas ideas brillantes? Una pregunta que asola a todos los creadores. Dicen que el éxito tiene un precio, pero para la historia de Mitch Stockridge, autor de libros de autoayuda, ese precio alimenta un monstruo más grande dentro de todos nosotros. En las profundidades estresantes de la mente creativa, las distancias que uno atraviesa para tener éxito y la ansiedad de seguir produciendo mientras está en la cima.
The Moose Head Over the Mantel
Associate Producer
The 100-year history of a troubled American family.
And the Earth Will Be Lost to the Flames
The end is nigh. But until then, there's work to do.
And the Earth Will Be Lost to the Flames
The end is nigh. But until then, there's work to do.
Susie Q
In Forest Hills, Queens two loser brothers spend their days hatching poorly-thought-out schemes to rob a neighborhood bad girl in order to pay off a debt to a local bully. They simultaneously date her and quickly begin to fight for her attention all while refusing to get real jobs. All’s fair in love... with Susie Q and her men.
The Movie Extra
A movie about movies. A movie extra goes tired of the lead character taking all the attention.
Caitlin Among the Beasts
A comedy about finding grace and other things that get away.
The Train
A meeting with a holocaust survivor teaches a self-consumed and preoccupied young man that life can change in a moment.
Script Editor
"A single mother goes extreme measures to provide for her daughter during some extreme hardships."
Watch Over Us
A family living with their grandpa find out that there's more than meets the eyes at their families' barn.
Catching Hearts
Script Editor
"What happens when a bestselling atheist author Professor Mark Gavin loses his faith in atheism? This intense drama asks tough questions and explores why there is no such thing as coincidence."
Backyard Blockbusters
For years, people have been making home movies, many times using pop culture properties that they may not own, but love. In recent years, these types of projects have come to be known as "fanfilms". Backyard Blockbusters looks at the history and influence of the fanfilm genre, as well as the copyright and fair use problems these films create, featuring highlights from and interviews with the creators of many popular films.
Pat Gets a Cat
This is a student film made while Adam Bertocci was enrolled at Northwestern University, but compared to many other student films I have seen, it is head and shoulders better. It has excellent writing, direction and a professional quality about it you might not normally expect--plus the film is cute as can be with a really clever story. However, given that I have seen another of Adam Bertocci's excellent short films, LOVE: THE MOVIE, I actually was expecting something special--as LOVE was a heck of a fresh and entertaining film as well. Both films, it turns out, have already received awards and I certainly am not surprised. In fact, I can't wait until Bertocci "turns pro" so to speak--in other words, moves to Hollywood and makes a bazillion bucks making more nice little films--but with bigger budgets. Keep an eye out for this guy.