Bohumil Martinák

Nacimiento : 1958-09-06,


Sound Re-Recording Mixer
La Iglesia Católica atraviesa un momento complicado en Checoslovaquia a principios de los años 80. El régimen comunista amenaza con destruir la institución y la somete a un estricto control, por lo que se ve obligada a aceptar ciertas restricciones relacionadas con la libertad de creencias y de expresión. El clérigo está dividido entre la "iglesia de las catacumbas", que mantiene el contacto con el Vaticano y con la prensa occidental, y la "jerarquía eclesiástica", que coopera con las fuerzas del poder y está representada por sacerdotes pertenecientes a la asociación "Pacem in Terris", cuya vida se extendió en el país desde 1971 hasta 1989. Este es el contexto en el que los jóvenes seminaristas Michal y Juraj tienen que decidir si mantenerse fieles a su vocación e idealismo o arrodillarse ante las presiones de la policía secreta.
Women's Revenge
Sound Designer
A group therapy session unites three scorned wives as they help one another destroy the lives and careers of their selfish, unfaithful husbands.
Cesta do nemožna
Sound Mixer
The Good Death
Sound Mixer
Janette is terminally ill and wants to die in a dignified way but this is not permitted under British law. She refuses to wait for death in unbearable pain so she opts for a physician-assisted suicide in Switzerland. Before departing on the final journey she has to explain her intention to the family members and close friends.
The Secret of the Two Headed Dragon
Barborka and Tomík vacation at their grandparents at the smithy beneath Dragon Rock, where the double-headed dragon Čmoudík (Smoky) is working hard.
Intimate Enemy
Little Harbour
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
A story of children who feel safer in the streets than at home, about children seeking out sturdy lifeboats that cross between the world of fantasy and the harsh reality of life. Jarka is one of these children. Ten years-old, and living with a mother who is not yet ready to be a mom, Jarka spends most of her time alone. Pushed by her desire for love and to form a fully functional family, she finds herself substituting a "mother" to two babies.
The Seven Ravens
Sound Mixer
The story of a young woman who takes it upon herself to save her brothers and rid them of a curse which they were put under by their mother.
Martin Slivka: The Man Who Planted Trees
Sound Mixer
A tribute to Martin Slivka, one of the most important personalities of Slovak cinematography and culture. He was the creator of Slovak documentary ethnographic film, director, screenwriter, dramaturgist, film theoretician, pedagogue, author and ethnograph, but mainly – exceptional person. This documentary is not only a remembrance of maestro Slivka through words of his close friends and colleagues, but also an attempt to slightly uncover the secret of his rich life and work.
A story about life and problems of eleven years old boy Michal.