Devon Ericson

Nacimiento : 1952-12-21, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA


La independencia de Texas
Tiana Rogers
La verdadera historia de Sam Houston, el héroe de la frontera y el hombre de estado, que con su valentía y visión política ayudó a crear la República y después el Estado de Texas.
La noche del cometa
El paso de un cometa provoca un envenenamiento total, con lo que el mundo llega a su fin, sobreviviendo únicamente un par de chicas californianas. Los demás son transformados en zombies mutantes.
The Mystic Warrior
Saga about a proud band of Sioux Indians, and the efforts of one brave to save his people from destruction through the use of mysterious powers handed down by ancestors.
Baby Comes Home
Elizabeth Kramer Winston
In this sequel to "And Baby Makes Six," a middle-aged couple deals with familial upheaval after giving birth to an unplanned fourth baby --- 17 years after their last child.
Can You Hear the Laughter? The Freddie Prinze Story
The true and tragic story of a very young and very talented comedian from the 70's whose sudden rise to fame had some of its benefits -- and some of its burdens.
Ishi: The Last of His Tribe
Lushi -as Teenager
The last of a northern California tribe tries to assimilate with the help of an anthropologist.
The Bluegrass Special
Penny Wainwright
Penny is a teenage horse trainer with a very special dream of becoming a jockey. She picks Woodhill to compete in the upcoming Bluegrass Special; Woodhill is a beautiful race horse with a bad reputation who threw and injured his rider during a race in Tijuana. Penny's devotion and determination are an inspiration to anyone who believes that dreams can come true.
Retorno al condado de Macon
Bo y Hartley son dos jóvenes y salvajes muchachos que se dirigen a Georgia a bordo de su Chevrolet, en busca de diversión. Por el camino recogen a Junelle, una sensual mujer que será la causante de tiranteces entre ambos, debido a la atracción que despierta en los dos amigos. Desafortunadamente, el trío se detiene en Macon County, un pueblo que alberga a malhechores y villanos. Allí, los muchachos deciden cometer algún robo, y, desde ese momento, serán perseguidos por la ley.
The Runaway Barge
June Bug Dobbs
Two bargemen on the Mississippi River find themselves mixed up in a kidnapping and hijacking plot.
The Dream Makers
A college president becomes the president of a record company, and finds himself enmeshed in a payola scandal.