Peter Gale


The Merry Wives of Windsor
Justice Shallow
The fat knight Sir John Falstaff imagines that Mistress Ford and Mistress Page are both taken with him and so, attracted as much by their husbands’ money as their personal charms, he decides to woo them both. But the women are up to the old lecher’s tricks and turn the tables on him with a series of humiliating assignations, midnight terrors and a very damp, extremely smelly laundry basket. Gutsy, colloquial and bustling with vivid characters, The Merry Wives of Windsor is a brilliantly constructed farce and the only comedy Shakespeare set in his native land. It is also the ancestor of English bourgeois comedy and gave birth to a tradition that reaches down to the modern TV sitcom. The production made merry with the relationship between the life of middle-class Elizabethan England and the late medieval period in which the play is set.
Anybody's Nightmare
Dr. Heath
Based on the true story of Shelia Bowler, accused of murdering her elderly aunt.
Andrew Westbrook
Un falsificador de cuadros está a punto de abandonar su profesión cuando recibe un encargo multimillonario para reproducir un Rembrandt. Tras realizar un trabajo perfecto, sucede algo terrible
Dear Sarah
Giuseppe Conlon and his son Gerry are convicted of an IRA bombing as part of the Maguire Seven in 1976. Giuseppe diligently writes his wife Sarah as she works to free her family members from prison.
Jekyll & Hyde
Lanyon's Butler
En las calles de Londres una escurridiza figura ha despertado el temor de sus habitantes. Se le achacan varios asaltos a mujeres, incendios e incluso asesinatos. La policía cree haber identificado al sospechoso y lo persigue, pero en su huida empuja a un muchacho que cae bajo los cascos de un caballo y resulta gravemente herido.
El imperio del sol
Mr. Victor
Cuando, en diciembre de 1941, el ejército japonés ocupa Shanghai, la privilegiada vida de James Graham, un niño inglés de clase alta, toca a su fin. Es separado de sus padres y confinado en un campo de concentración próximo a un aeropuerto militar chino. En un ambiente dominado por la tristeza y la miseria se verá obligado a madurar prematuramente, y eso condicionará su visión del mundo.
The Unknown Soldier
The soldier in the spinal carriage can neither move nor speak. Who is he? His fellow wounded and officers are intent on finding out.
The Merchant of Venice
The Prince of Arragon
A rich merchant, Antonio is depressed for no good reason, until his good friend Bassanio comes to tell him how he's in love with Portia. Portia's father has died and left a very strange will: only the man that picks the correct casket out of three (silver, gold, and lead) can marry her. Bassanio, unfortunately, is strapped for cash with which to go wooing, and Antonio wants to help, so Antonio borrows the money from Shylock, the money-lender. But Shylock has been nursing a grudge against Antonio's insults, and makes unusual terms to the loan. And when Antonio's business fails, those terms threaten his life, and it's up to Bassanio and Portia to save him.
Hamlet comes home from university to find his uncle married to his mother, and his father's ghost haunting the battlements and scaring the watch. Then his father's ghost directs him to seek revenge.