George Mills

Nacimiento : 1911-01-01, England, UK

Muerte : 1976-12-01


Ghost Story
Production Manager
Several old college friends converge at a mansion, ostensibly for a pleasant reunion. Larry Dann, the most easygoing of the bunch, comes to the conclusion that all is not well in the old dark house. For one thing, he's run across several people whom he's never met. For another, they all seem to be of a different time and place.
Gawain and the Green Knight
Production Manager
The medieval legend of a supernatural knight who challenges the king's men to kill him.
Zeta One
Production Manager
Women around the globe begin disappearing when a renegade race of top-heavy aliens from the planet Angvia begin snatching them off the streets.
La casa maldita
Production Manager
Una reunión de jóvenes a finales de los años sesenta degenera en una sesión de aburrimiento. Para evadirse de él, se les ocurre ir a una antigua casa abandonada en las afueras de la ciudad con la intención de “cazar fantasmas”. Al poco de permanecer allí, uno de ellos aparece muerto, salvajemente asesinado.
The Silent Playground
Police hunt for mental hospital out patient Simon Lacey, who has been unwittingly handing out barbiturates to children as sweets.
It's All Over Town
Production Supervisor
A series of musical vignettes formed from the dreams of a slumbering workman.
In this thriller, two gangs of jewel thieves battle it out in a deserted cottage. Murder ensues when the owners of the cabin show up. Listed as lost by the BFI.
Production Manager
Fedra es la esposa de Thanos, un millonario armador griego que antes estuvo casado con una mujer inglesa con la que ha tenido un hijo, Alexis, que vive en Londres, lejos del padre. Cuando Thanos se entera que Alexis ha dejado sus estudios, ruega a Fedra que viaje a Inglaterra para persuadir al joven de sus planes. Fedra no quiere viajar, porque sabe que el muchacho siente aversión por ella, aunque finalmente cederá ante la insistencia de su marido. El encuentro es muy distinto al imaginado: ambos simpatizan súbitamente y pronto serán presas de una violenta pasión.
La clave del enigma
Production Manager
Un pintor holandés (Hardy Kruger) es acusado del asesinato de su novia inglesa.
Pasillos de sangre
Production Manager
Un doctor británico en el siglo XIX experimenta con anestesia y se convierte en adicto a los narcóticos, sufriendo una gran humillación cuando un paciente se levanta de la mesa de operaciones y ataca a sus doctores. El buen doctor es luego chantajeado por dos profanadores de tumbas, que lo obligan a firmar falsos certificados de defunción.
Production Supervisor
James Prothero, forty-three years old and up to his ears in alcohol, is the skipper of a tramp ship due to leave South America for Britain – and he’s sick to death of carting goods back and forth across the world. Then he meets Manuela, a beautiful native girl smuggled on board by one of his crew, and comes to realise that she, too, is a lost soul. Gradually a love affair develops between them, and Prothero becomes dangerously blind to the responsibilities of his position.
The Secret Place
Production Manager
British Melodrama and crime thriller that follows a group of jewel robbers after a major heist. The film makes extensive use of bombed out areas of London.
The Large Rope
Production Manager
After being framed for a murder he didn't commit, Tom Penney (Donald Houston) serves his time and returns to his rural English home to establish a quiet life. When another victim is found, however, Tom is blamed for the crime and flees rather than returnng to prison. Hoping to find the real killer -- or killers -- Tom investigates while keeping a low profile to elude his pursuers, and a vital clue leads him on the path to possible redemption.
Production Manager
Robbie (Jon Whiteley), un niño huérfano de 6 años, vive falto de cariño y cuidado con sus padres adoptivos en Londres. Tras prender un pequeño fuego en la casa, y temiendo un severo castigo, el chico huye y comienza a vagar por las calles londinenses. Finalmente se refugia en un edificio donde se encuentra a Chris Lloyd (Dirk Bogarde), y al hombre qué ésta acaba justo de matar... (FILMAFFINITY)
Mystery Junction
Production Manager
In this crime drama, an escaped convict is recaptured and charged with killing two people in a lonely waystation during a snowstorm. Fortunately, a novelist is around to prove him innocent.
Assassin for Hire
Production Manager
Antonio Riccardi, a rare stamp dealer who is secretly a hired killer, pays for the violin lessons of his gifted brother Giuseppe. To meet the expenses of Giuseppe's concert debut he accepts a further job, but his decision to do so provides Detective Inspector Carson, who has long hoped to ensnare Tony, with an opportunity that might now enable him to bring about his downfall.
Noche en la ciudad
Assistant Director
Harry Fabian trabaja a comisión como gancho de un club, pero es ambicioso y sueña con hacerse independiente. Para conseguirlo no dudará en embaucar al campeón del mundo de lucha greco-romana para que se enfrente a su hijo Kristo, que controla la lucha en Londres.
Assistant Director
A British psychiatrist devises a devilish revenge plot against his wife's lover.