Senator Seward
Historia basada en la abolicionista Harriet Tubman (Cynthia Erivo), que liberó a numerosos esclavos tras haber escapado ella misma de la esclavitud en 1849.
Three stories examining what it means to live, find connection, deal with trauma, and do more than just exist, in the rural landscape of small mining town in West Virginia.
Patrick's Dad
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1991. Charlie, estudiante de primer año en la escuela secundaria, es un marginado, alguien invisible que observa la vida desde sus márgenes, hasta que dos estudiantes de último año, Sam y su hermanastro Patrick, se convierten en sus mentores, ayudándole a descubrir las alegrías de la amistad, la música y el amor.
FBI Special Agent Reynolds
Chris Carrington looses his father to hereditary kidney disease. He is painfully aware he may die from it as well. While dealing with the agony of his loss, Chris is unexpectedly contacted by a mysterious Russian immigrant who tells him his father did not die from natural causes. That his father was an unwitting victim of human experiments in the development of biological weapons. Pursuing the truth behind this strange revelation, Chris learns of Dr. Gurevich, the scientist who created these viruses. He meets Gurevich's beautiful daughter Anna, whose innocence, charm and intelligence ultimately become his greatest obstacle. Unable to contact his Russian informant, unable to decipher Russian documents, unwilling to use Gurevich's daughter as a pawn, Chris struggles to fight symptoms of his own disease, caught between the ticking clock of his own illness and the consuming desire for truth.
Reporter #6
Eleanor Arroway perdió la fe en Dios tras la muerte de sus padres en su niñez. Sin embargo, Ellie ha desarrollado una clase distinta de fe en lo desconocido: trabaja con un grupo de científicos escrutando ondas de radio procedentes del espacio exterior en busca de señales de inteligencias extraterrestres. Su trabajo se verá recompensado cuando detecte una señal desconocida que supuestamente porta las instrucciones de fabricación de una máquina para reunirse con los creadores del mensaje.