Coach Porter
A young white man goes to a historically black college for the chance to be the starting quarterback. There he encounters considerable resentment and learns what it's like to be in the minority.
This is the story of Buford Pusser's final days; not only of his life, but also as Sheriff. It seems that times are changing, and the once adoring people of Pusser's town now fear him and feel like it's time to make a change. There are also some officials who feel the same way and are using every means to get rid of Pusser.
El jefe de policía de Valentine investiga un espectacular asalto a un banco del pueblo, durante el cual fueron asesinados el sheriff y su ayudante. Cahill (John Wayne), su hijo y un amigo comanche, que es un gran rastreador, recorren el territorio en busca de los asaltantes.