A coming-of-age story portrayed as the loss of all youthful illusions. Sixteen-year-old Yoichi dreams of becoming a sailor. His parents are fishmongers, and Yoichi lives together with them and his four siblings in cramped living conditions. His beloved younger sister is given to a wealthy, childless uncle; his best friend moves away; the girl he fell in love with from afar is with someone else: little by little, Yoichi loses all the people that are important to him.
At the close of the war in Japan, a widowed mother makes every possible sacrifice to bring up her ungrateful son and daughter who are unimpressed with their poor standard of living at home. They gradually reject her in search of the material comforts that working as a maid cannot provide. The mother's despair becomes interminable.
Adaptación de la novela homónima de Dostoievski. Kameda, condenado a muerte por crímenes de guerra, en el último momento se salva de ser fusilado. La conmoción le provoca durante cierto tiempo fuertes ataques epilépticos; pero, al mismo tiempo, también se produce en él una profunda transformación, que algunos llaman "idiotez", pero que no es más que sencillez, bondad y una gran capacidad de amar.
Two journalists and their lovers share an uncertain future.
Tokiko is a mother patiently waiting for her husband's return from the war when her 4-year old son becomes ill. She takes him to the doctor for treatment but has no way of paying. She resorts to prostitution. One month later her husband returns from WWII to find his desperate wife, who tells him the truth. Together they must deal with the consequences.