Peter Bolton

Nacimiento : 1914-07-10, Bradford, Yorkshire, England, UK


I Want What I Want
Assistant Director
Roy leaves his abusive father's house and starts life anew as a woman, named Wendy. Through trial and error she learns the skills and consequences of being a woman.
A Severed Head
Assistant Director
Antonia Lynch-Gibbon, wife of upper-crust wine dealer Martin, falls in love with her husband's best friend, noted psychiatrist Palmer Anderson. While both Palmer and Antonia would like to remain in Martin's life, he has some secrets of his own — namely, a mistress called Georgie, whom his womanizing brother also desires. All the while, Palmer's sister Honor seems to know everyone's business.
Un hombre para la eternidad
Assistant Director
Para divorciarse de su esposa Catalina de Aragón (hija de los Reyes Católicos y tía del emperador Carlos V) y contraer matrimonio con Ana Bolena, Enrique VIII (1509-1547) trata de obtener el apoyo de la aristocracia y del clero. Sir Thomas Moro, gran humanista ("Utopía", 1516), ferviente católico y hombre de confianza del monarca, se encuentra en una encrucijada: ¿debe actuar de acuerdo con su conciencia, arriesgándose a ser tachado de traidor y ejecutado, o debe ceder ante un rey que no tiene ningún reparo en adaptar la ley a sus necesidades?
Three Hats for Lisa
Assistant Director
French movie pin up Sophie Hardy is Lisa Milan, a gorgeous Continental film star who's just arrived at Heathrow. She's in London for the premiere of her latest film, but within minutes she's beenw hisked away by her number one fan, Johnny Howjego and his Cockney pals Sammy, Flora and Cabbie Sid.
El tercer secreto
Assistant Director
Un eminente psicólogo parece haberse suicidado, hecho al que colegas y pacientes no dan credibilidad. Su hija de 14 años se niega a creer que sea un suicidio, ya que iría contra los principios de su padre, y piensa que ha sido asesinado. Para resolverlo busca la ayuda de un periodista, antiguo paciente de su padre. La verdad será, al mismo tiempo, sorprendente y perturbadora.
El precio de la muerte
Assistant Director
Rex y Stella Black ponen en marcha un plan para estafar 50.000 libras a una compañía de seguros. Rex finge su muerte en un accidente aéreo, cambia de aspecto y, utilizando un pasaporte robado, vuela a España, donde Stella se reúne con él. Sin embargo, la personalidad de Rex empieza a cambiar, lo que se agrava con la llegada de Stephen, un joven investigador de seguros que lo pone muy nervioso. Stella, asustada, intenta seducirlo para alejar el peligro, pero Rex, convencido de que Stephen ha descubierto el fraude, intenta eliminarlo. (FILMAFFINITY)
Tres vidas errantes
Assistant Director
Australia, 1920. Un matrimonio (Robert Mitchum y Deborah Kerr) y su hijo viven felices viajando por Australia y realizando diversos trabajos para sobrevivir. Llega, sin embargo, un momento en que la madre, apoyada por su hijo y movida por el instinto de conservación, plantea la necesidad de abandonar la vida errante que siempre han llevado y comprar una granja para establecerse definitivamente en algún lugar. Ahora bien, alcanzar ese sueño implicará muchos sacrificios.
Pasillos de sangre
Assistant Director
Un doctor británico en el siglo XIX experimenta con anestesia y se convierte en adicto a los narcóticos, sufriendo una gran humillación cuando un paciente se levanta de la mesa de operaciones y ataca a sus doctores. El buen doctor es luego chantajeado por dos profanadores de tumbas, que lo obligan a firmar falsos certificados de defunción.
Always a Bride
Assistant Director
Set against the glitz and glamour of the French Riviera, this comedy follows the misadventures of a father and daughter con artist team (Ronald Squire and Peggy Cummins) who pose as a married couple and swindle wealthy clients at the region's swankiest resorts. But their scams take on a whole new dimension when daughter Clare falls for a British government bureaucrat (Terence Morgan) who may have a secret or two of his own. [Netflix]
Venetian Bird
Assistant Director
Private eye Edward Mercer travels to Venice to locate a man due a reward for his aid in the war. Shortly after arriving, he becomes the prime suspect in the murder of his local contact. In his quest to clear his name, Mercer uncovers a conspiracy. Even the local magistrate seems to be working against him, and Mercer begins to suspect the man he came to find is behind it all.
The Chiltern Hundreds
Assistant Director
Young Viscount Tony Pym wangles National Service leave on the pretext of standing as a Tory candidate for a local seat held by his family for generations. The request is a ruse to enable Pym to marry his wealthy American fiancee while she's still in England, but his masterplan backfires when he finds himself swept into an election campaign and beaten by Labour's Mr Cleghorn – who is then made a peer. In an attempt to save face, Pym decides to stand again – as a socialist. It all proves too much for the Pyms' loyal, true-blue butler, Mr Beecham...
Uncle Silas
Assistant Director
Following her father's death, a teenage heiress moves in with her guardian uncle who is broke and schemes to murder his niece for her vast inheritance.