Giacomo Peier


El vídeo de Benny
Makeup Artist
Benny es un chico de 14 años de buena familia. Sus padres intentan compensar su falta de cariño por su hijo regalándole un estupendo equipo de vídeo. Obsesionado con el uso de su nuevo juguete, graba cómo sacrifican a un cerdo con una pistola, escena que lo incita a cometer un acto salvaje.
La barca está llena
Makeup Artist
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, un grupo de refugiados suizos intenta huir de la amenaza nazi.
The Swissmakers
Makeup Artist
This romantic drama follows two policemen whose job is to investigate the lives of foreigners who have applied for Swiss citizenship. Among the applicants they must screen are a French psychiatrist and his wife, and a ballet dancer. The married couple are quickly accepted, but the dancer's life offers some objections. However, since the younger policeman has fallen in love with her, there is a chance that she, too, will win Swiss citizenship.