Ryo Hanmura


Samurai Commando: Mission 1549
Un accidente durante las pruebas de un escudo magnético artificial antiplasma en el campo de prácticas de la Fuerza de Autodefensa Terrestre de Japón en el este de Fuji envía a la 3.ª Compañía Experimental Especial, bajo el mando del Coronel Matoba, en un viaje temporal de 460 años hacia el pasado, a la "Era de la Guerra civil". '. Al mismo tiempo, una anomalía de número imaginario que se cree que es causada por una interferencia del pasado comienza a erosionar el presente.
Original Story
Kishi is a 37-year-old personnel officer and fairly happy with work, wife and child. But he turns out to be susceptible to a more exciting life. Through his old schoolfriend Daimon he meets the attractive Yoshie and spends a sensational night of love with her. Kishi doesn't want to leave it at one night. On their second meeting, Daimon is also present and this night turns into a sado-masochistic ritual. A suppressed memory emerges in Kishi: once he raped an elderly woman with Daimon. Kishi again crossed a frontier this night and the relationship with his colleague Yuko also breaks boundaries. He slowly realises that his emotional life is taking a direction that he had never dreamed possible; Kishi moves into a new and dark world.
Sekushî purin: Kuse ni narisô
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