Lane Bradford

Lane Bradford

Nacimiento : 1922-08-29, Yonkers, New York, USA

Muerte : 1973-06-07


Lane Bradford


Viaje a Shiloh
Case Pettibone
Al comienzo de la Guerra Civil norteamericana (1861-1865), siete amigos realizan un largo viaje con el fin de unirse al ejército confederado. (FILMAFFINITY)
El gavilán pistolero
Joe Sully
Calhoun, un viejo pistolero al que todos daban por muerto, llega a un pequeño pueblo tomado por forajidos. Ha regresado con el único objetivo de vengarse de sus agresores, y lo hará con la ayuda de Lauren, un joven impetuoso con el revólver.
The Toughest Gun in Tombstone
Curly Bill Brosius
A lawman goes undercover in order to capture the outlaws who murdered his wife.
Satan's Satellites
Feature version of the 1951 American serial film, "Zombies of the Stratosphere".
El llanero solitario y la ciudad perdida del oro
Tres indios son asesinados. Cadauna llevaba un medallón al morir. Los medallones forman un rompecabezas cuya solución apunta a un tesoro escondido.
Apache Warrior
Sgt. Gaunt
An Apache brave vows revenge when he feels betrayed by the U.S. Army.
Lucha de poder
Jim Trask, ex sheriff de Abilene, regresa a la ciudad después de luchar por la Confederación cuando todos pensaban que estaba muerto. Su viejo amigo Dave Mosley está comprometida con el ex novio de Trask y es uno de los ganaderos cada vez más enfrentados con los productores originales. Trask se persuade para ocupar el sheriff de nuevo, pero hay algo acerca de la muerte del hermano Mosely en la Guerra Civil que le está persiguiendo.
Forbidden Moon
Landor, Yarra's bodyguard
Rocky Jones is dispatched to investigate an SOS received from a space station. He finds that the station is filled with deadly radiation brought by an evil ruler who is immune to the radiation, and plans to use it to take over the universe.
The Forty-Niners
Bill Norris
1849 California and the Gold Boom. Marshal Sam Nelson goes under cover to find out the identity of a trio of killers.
Man with the Steel Whip
Saloon owner Barnet wants the Indian reservation land on which he knows there is gold, and organizes a gang, aided by some renegade Indians, to raid and terrorize close-by settlers,hoping to arouse them to drive off the Indians. Rancher Jerry Randall, accompanied by school teacher Nancy Cooper, sets out to defeat the plot. In order to win the loyalty of the innocent tribe members, Randall masquerades as a legendary friend of the Indians, El Latigo.
Crash of Moons
A three-part episode from the TV series Rocky Jones, Space Ranger edited together and released as a feature for 16mm rental only. Season 1 episodes 21, 22, 23. Episode 21: Rocky saves a space station and his friends when they are trapped between gypsy moons. Episode 22: Cleolanthe tries to destroy one of the gypsy moons with a barrage of missiles. Episode 23: Rocky evacuates the gypsy moon Posetta and stops Cleolanthe's missile barrage.
Tambores fraternos
Ralph Costa
Crown City, una ciudad de Colorado que vivió un enorme boom por sus minas abundantes en oro, está a punto de convertirse en una ciudad fantasma. La única mina que queda está al otro lado del río, en territorio indio. Después de que su madre haya sido asesinada por uno de los salvajes indios, Gary Brannon (Audie Murphy) emprende una expedición al otro lado del río en busca de venganza y con la esperanza de encontrar la ansiada mina. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Golden Idol
Joe Hawkins
Prince Ali wants the Golden Idol of Watusi and hires a ruthless hunter to get it for him. Bomba has the idol and, with the help of Commissioner Barnes, Eli, and a beautiful archeologist, he foils Ali's plans.
Silver Needle in the Sky
Rocky Jones tries to free the hostages and thwart the plans of the evil Queen Cleolantha.
Silver Needle in the Sky
Duveen, the spy
Rocky Jones tries to free the hostages and thwart the plans of the evil Queen Cleolantha.
La carga de los indios Sioux
Durante la Guerra de Secesión, un grupo de agitadores sudistas se dedican a enturbiar la paz de los soldados de la Unión con los Sioux, en Wyoming. Les ayuda un vendedor de caballos sin escrúpulos.
Son of Belle Starr
The son of the notorious female bandit Belle Starr wants to live an honest life, but finds himself getting drawn into his mother's old profession.
Savage Frontier
Tulsa Tom - Henchman
Sam is a parolee who has paid for his dirty deeds. Now determined to go straight and help take care of his hot headed brother and devoted sister, he becomes set upon by both the law, represented by Federal Marshall Rocky Lane, and by his former outlaw buddies led by the notorious William Oakes.
Desperadoes' Outpost
Henchman Mike
Nugget Clark has been having his stagecoaches wrecked and Marshal Rocky Lane arrives to investigate. The foreman of a nearby mine is stealing part of the mecury output and selling it in Mexico. Nugget's house has a direct pipeline from the mine and they are trying to drive him into bankruptcy to obtain his ranch. Rocky is quickly aware that the Foremen is behind Nugget's holdups but they are also onto Rocky when he accidently drops his badge during a fight.
Dead Man's Trail
Brad Duncan
Johnny Mack Brown was nearing the end of his starring career when he appeared in the Monogram oater Dead Man's Trail. Brown and his youthful sidekick Jimmy Ellison come to the aid of imperiled Barbara Allen. At this point, Johnny was too long in tooth and thick around the middle to qualify as a romantic lead, hence the presence of Ellison.
Zombis de la estratosfera
Un agente de la Patrulla inter-planetaria lucha contra una raza de zombies que tratan de desbaratar la órbita terrestre. Los marcianos planean utilizar una bomba de hidrógeno para destruir la Tierra y así poder mover Marte a su órbita para aprovechar su mejor clima. Se trata de un serial de 12 episodios que fue reemitido por la cadena NBC en 1955 como parte del ciclo ROCKET SUIT SAGA. Episodios: 1- THE ZOMBIE VANGUARD 2- BATTLE OF THE ROCKETS 3- UNDERSEA AGENTS 4- CONTRABAND CARGO 5- THE IRON EXECUTIONER 6- MURDER MINE 7- DEATH ON THE WATERFRONT 8- HOSTAGE FOR MURDER 9- THE HUMAN TORPEDO 10- FLYING GAS CHAMBER 11- MAN VS. MONSTER 12- TOMB OF THE TRAITORS * Su versión condensada fue SATAN’S SATELLITES (1958), con una duración de 70 minutos.
Camino del desierto
John Carver busca el dinero robado que ha escondido, pero también lo hace su novia, su abogado y su compañero de celda. Tom y Chito son contratados para cruzar la frontera con México y encontrarse atrapados en el medio.
African Treasure
Against stock footage of lions, elephants and wildebeasts, Bomba the Jungle Boy captures a pair of nefarious diamond smugglers.
Kansas Territory
Fred Jethro
Wild Bill Elliott goes after his brother's murderer!
A female marshal and a newspaper editor help heroic Tim Holt fight an evil land agent. Western.
Man from the Black Hills
Sheriff Moran
As other "B"-western series kept dropping like flies in 1952, Johnny Mack Brown kept grinding 'em out for Monogram. In Man From Black Hills, Johnny tries to help locate his saddle pal Jim Fallan's (James Ellison) long-lost father. Arriving in a small mining town, Johnny and Jim discover that Jim's father has established a financial empire--and that a local opportunist (Randy Brooks) has capitalized on this by claiming to be the old man's son.
After killing a man in self defense over a poker game, Wild Bill Elliott turns outlaw in order to escape a lynch mob.
Fort Osage
Rawlins - Henchman
Un hombre de negocios codicioso está cargando precios escandalosos para colonos que deseen unirse a un vagón de tren que está organizando para viajar de Missouri a California. Mientras tanto, él ha roto el tratado de su predecesor hizo con los indios de Osage para proporcionar bienes comerciales a cambio de paso a través de las tierras de los nativos americanos. Cuando el Wagonmaster contratado para el viaje se entera de la duplicidad del hombre de negocios y trata de arreglar las cosas antes de que los indios van en pie de guerra, los secuaces del empresario se ordenaron matarlo.
Night Raiders
Henchman Talbot
Whip arrives to investigate why night raiders are ransacking cabins but taking nothing....
La rosa de Cimarrón
Mike Finch
Una joven blanca que ha sido criada por los indios Cherokees, quiere vengarse de los enemigos blancos que mataron a sus parientes indios. Para ello, necesitará la ayuda de un hombre blanco, el marshal Hollister. (FILMAFFINITY)
Texas City
Johnny Mack Brown substitutes brains for brawn during most of Texas City. Cast once more as a U.S. marshal, Johnny investigates when several government gold shipments are hijacked. Someone has been tipping of the outlaws as to when and where the supposedly secret shipments will take place. The principal suspect is dishonorably discharged cavalry officer Kirby (James Ellison), but Johnny has a gut feeling that Kirby is innocent on all counts.
The Gunman
Henchman Jack Gatlin
Terrorized citizens send for a Texas lawman to rid their town of bandits.
Stage to Blue River
Tom Reardon
Whip Wilson has to stop bandits who are trying to take over a stage line.
The Longhorn
A double-crossing cowboy and his gang of henchmen steal cattle, even from friends, in this classic Western.
Oklahoma Justice
Henchman Deuce Logan
Johnny Mack Brown goes up against a lady bank robber in this average Mack Brown series late-entry from Monogram. The lady, played by Barbara Allen, is of course called "Ma." In order to get the goods on "Ma" and her "brood," Mack Brown must masquerade as a lone bandit.
Stagecoach Driver
Sam Jenkins - Henchman
Jim Bannon and his partner own a stagecoach line. With the coming of the telegraph and the end of the Pony Express, two men plot to take over and get the new mail contract. When Jim's partner is murdered and Jim's name is written in the sand beside the body, Jim is arrested. At his trial Whip brings surprising evidence that clears Jim and the two plotters are soon arrested.
Don Daredevil Rides Again
Henchman Weber
Stock-footage from Republic Pictures' earlier Zorro serials was served up once again in this 12 chapter cliffhanger, this time without the financially strapped studio having to credit Zorro creator Johnston McCulley or pay any royalties. Zorro simply became "Don Daredevil" (Ken Curtis), a foppish Easterner by day turned masked avenger by night. Like his not too distant relative, Don wore his disguise in order to battle nasty Roy Barcroft who, under a forged Spanish land grant, attempts to take over the surrounding ranch land.
Wanted: Dead or Alive
'Utah' Grant - Henchman
Taggart and his men are breaking wanted outlaws out of jail and then killing them for the reward money. Marshal's Whip, Jim, and Texas have a plan to trap the gang. Whip poses as a wanted outlaw while Jim joins Taggart's gang and helps break him out. But there is trouble when gang member Mike, wanting a bigger cut, double-crosses everyone.
The Missourians
Lead henchman
In the little town of Dorado, widely known as a town with no crime and no bank to rob, young Polish-born Steve Kovacs is fighting a two-edged sword of prejudice; his foreign birth and also the fact that his brother, Nick Kovacs, is the leader of an outlaw gang known as The Missourians.
Frisco Tornado
Henchman Mike Bristol
U.S. marshal sets out to end an insurance scam: salesmen provide cow town folk with insurance against outlaw activity, outlaws who work for the insurance salesmen.
El halcón del desierto
Standard Bearer
Omar, se opone al tirano príncipe Murad. Para evitar que Murad se case con Schaharazade, Omar se casa con ella engañándola. Cuando el truco es descubierto, tanto el príncipe y la princesa quiere la cabeza de Omar.
The Old Frontier
Henchman Spud
Monte Hale is cast as town marshal Barney Regan. It is Barney's formidable task to round up a gang of bank robbers and expose the "Mr. Big" behind all the robberies.
Hills of Oklahoma
Henchman Webb
In this remake of Gene Autry's 1942 "Call of the Canyon", Rex Allen, the newly-elected head of the cattleman's association, is driving the combined herds of the ranchers to the nearest railhead when he runs into trouble. Singing cowboy Rex Allen stars as a newly appointed leader of a cattleman's association who finds himself battling a greedy meat-packer (Robert Karnes) and his father (Robert Emmett Keane) for fair passage through the hills of Oklahoma.
The Invisible Monster
Man-woman team of investigators uncover a gang whose mad scientist leader has developed an invisibility chemical and plans to build a mercenary army of invisible men.
Code of the Silver Sage
Henchman Watson
Arizona Territory is in the grip of outlaw terror and killer outlaws, secretly organized by Hulon Champion, who covers his power ambitions with the guise of a respectable firearms merchant. Hoping to eradicate the lawlessness plaguing the newspaperman Fred Gately prints a letter asking the president to visit the area. But Fred's killed by secret gang leader Champion, who also plans to assassinate the president. Undercover officer Rocky Lane teams with his assistant, Nugget, and Fred's spunky daughter to combat Champion's head gunslinger.
Cowboy and the Prizefighter
Hired gun Deuce Sampson
Red Ryder KO's a fight racket with sidekick Little Beaver (Little Brown Jug) and a new friend.
Western Renegades
Frank (uncredited)
Brown's principal antagonist this time is the town boss, an outlaw who has killed the community's leading citizen. The dead man's grown children want to investigate the killing, but the outlaw puts a stop to this by hiring a dance-hall dame to pose as the kids' long-lost mother. Johnny isn't fooled by this subterfuge nor is his sidekick.
San Antone Ambush
Al Thomas
Just after the Civil War a Texan and his men are fighting a ruthless Commissioner and his excessive taxes. After a Lieutenant is falsely accused of a pay wagon massacre by the Commissioner's men, he deserts the Army and tries to clear himself. At first he belives the Texan was behind the massacre but then learns it was the Commissioner and joins the Texan in his fight.
The Fighting Redhead
Henchman Windy
Red Ryder gets a telegram from his old friend Dan O'Connor asking for help in his fight against Faro Savage and his gang of rustlers. A gun dropped by Faro during a rustling raid makes Red and Sheila O'Connor, Dan's daughter, think they have ample proof against Faro but they are stymied by the law. Buckskin Blodgett and the Duchess, Red's aunt, find the body of O'Connor who was killed when Faro's men sent the sheriff out on a ruse. Sheila, discovered while rifling Faros office for evidence, escapes but not before she is recognized. Faro kills one of his own henchmen and then frames Sheila for the murder. Red and Little Beaver set out to clear Sheila and to try to find evidence against Faro and his gang. Written by Les Adams
The James Brothers of Missouri
Monk Tucker
This 12-part serial concerns the efforts of the infamous James brothers (of which Jesse was a prominent member) to become normal everyday citizens. Of course, there's no room in the Wild West for reformed outlaws, and the duo inevitably find themselves caught up in showdowns and robberies.
Bandit King of Texas
Cal Barker
The Jewel Land Company of Elko, Texas is selling Government land to settlers. Before any of the settlers can claim their land, they are being killed by McCabe's gang. When Rocky comes to Elko to find his friend Jim, he winds up in Jail on a charge of stealing money from the new Marshal. The only person in town that is on his side is Nugget, but there is little that he can do by himself. When Rocky escapes from the jail with another prisoner and the Marshal is shot, he has to find who is behind his problems and what has happened to Jim and Emily.
Roll, Thunder, Roll!
Henchman Wolf
Jim Bannon is back as enduring cowboy hero Red Ryder in Eagle-Lion's Roll, Thunder, Roll. As ever, Ryder's cohorts are Little Beaver and the Duchess, here played by "Little Brown Jug" (aka Don Kay Reynolds) and Marin Sais. This time, Ryder tries to prove that a series of cattle raids and ranch fires were not the handiwork of masked Mexican do-gooder El Conejo (I. Stanford Jolley).
South of Rio
Henchman Tex
The town of Rio Blanco is the center of a fight over the statehood issue and is a perfect setup for Lon Bryson and Chuck Bowers, who organize a couple of phony protection associations. Opposing them is Henry Waterman, publisher of the Rio Blanco Herald. He and his assistant, Andrew Jackson Weems, send for the help of the Territorial Rangers. One of the dispatched Rangers is Jeff Lanning who, unknown to him, has a brother as a member of the gang under an assumed name of Bob Mitchell. Jeff is so shocked at seeing his brother gun down Waterman that he is unable to act in time to prevent it. Unable to explain the cause of is inaction, he is suspended by the governor. Unable to persuade his brother to quit the gang, Jeff, with the aid of Weems and Waterman's daughter Carol, begins his quest to bring the outlaws to justice.
The Wyoming Bandit
Buck - Henchman
Wyoming Dan (Trevor Bardette) returns home after 20 years evading the law for a crime he didn't commit, only to find his son on his deathbed. Seeking revenge for his son's murder, Dan enlists the help of Rocky Lane (Allan Lane), who poses as an outlaw to try to uncover the truth. When the duo manage to track down the killer, they find him armed to the teeth.
Law of the Golden West
Henchman Belden
Young Buffalo Bill Cody goes after the murderer of his father and uncovers a land-grab conspiracy.
Prairie Pirates
Henchman Cooper
In this remake of and using stock-footage from 1941's "Arizona Cyclone," Tex is a daredevil freight-line driver who, with the aid of his pals Smokey and Deuce, wipes out the crooked rival line, and has enough time left over, from this shorts' twenty-six minutes , to toss in four songs.
Prince of the Plains
Keller - Henchman
Banker Ned Owens refuses to call in the many unpaid loans made to the local ranchers as he knows they are being terrorized by a gang of crooks and unable to pay. But the secret leader of the gang is James Taylor large stockholder of the bank.....
Death Valley Gunfighter
Snake Richards
Rocky Lane hits the trail when he gets word that one of two brothers in a partner-ship mining project has been killed by outlaws trying to gain possession of the mine. The other brother Nugget Clark wants no part of the law, and is particularly set against the young sheriff courting his niece Trudy.
Silver Butte
Shipments of silver are going astray after leaving the mine, and Tex and his pals investigate. With 3 songs.
The Far Frontier
Butch - Henchman
Willis Newcomb and Bart Carroll head a gang engaged in smuggling wanted-American criminals back into the United States from Mexico. Operating from Sharperville, an oil town on the American side of the border, they transport their human cargo in oil drums loaded on trucks. Border Patrolman Tom Sharper intercepts one of the trucks but is overpowered and left for dead. Carroll, having already been paid for the job and not wanting any evidence to walk around, get caught and lead back to him, backs the human-cargo trucks to the edge of a cliff and sends the drums crashing to the boulder far below. Judge Cookie Bullfincher and Border Patrolman Roy Rogers conduct a search for the missing Tom, but the crooks have gone back for him and find him in a state of amnesia. They rob the bank and pin it on Tom. It is now up to Roy to clear his friend and also put an end to Carroll's human-smuggling racket.
Sundown in Santa Fe
Bronc Owens
Sundown in Santa Fe is an adventure film directed by R.G. Springsteen in 60. A dagger has been left in every robbery by Walter Durant, fugitive leader of the President Lincoln murder ring. Rocky is sent to Santa Fe to find Durant and arrest him and the gang of outlaws he controls. Rocky soon finds that the information for every robbery comes from Tom, who is the son of the sheriff. But Rocky has to arrest the whole gang, and he does not know who is part of the gang and where Durant may be hiding.
Adventures of Frank and Jesse James
Henchman Bill [Chs. 4-5, 11-12]
Jesse James returns to Missouri, and he and brother Frank come to the aid of a young woman who owns a gold mine. Her father was murdered and she took over the mine, and now the villains who killed her father are trying to drive her out of the mine so they can take it over.
Dead Man's Gold
Mayor Evans
Feudin', Fussin' and A-Fightin'
Townsman (uncredited)
Un vendedor charlatán es "secuestrado" por una ciudad, que pretende utilizarlo en su carrera anual contra otra comunidad.
The Hawk of Powder River
Henchman Cooper
B-western starring Eddie Dean as a singing lawman who comes to the aid of a pretty rancher (June Carlson) who's been targeted for murder by a notorious bandit known as "The Hawk".
Tornado Range
Henchman Thorne
Tornado Range is one of five Eddie Dean westerns originally produced by PRC in 1947 but released the following year by Eagle-Lion. Cast as a troubleshooter for the U.S. Land Office, Dean is assigned to settle a deadly range war. Sure enough, the warring homesteaders and cattlemen are being whipped into a frenzy by a third party, who hopes to "divide and conquer," claiming the land for himself. Surprisingly, all-purpose PRC villain George Cheseboro isn't the culprit in this one; instead, he's cast as the father of heroine Jennifer Holt. Roscoe Ates is once more on hand for some questionable comedy relief.
Check Your Guns
Henchman Slim Grogan
Singing sheriff enacts old west gun control to thwart outlaws and crooked judge.
Shadow Valley
Cowhand Bob
At least 10 percent of the 58-minute Eddie Dean western Shadow Valley is comprised of stock shots from earlier Dean oaters. This time, the star plays as U.S. marshal who comes to the rescue of the standard damsel in distress (Jennifer Holt, sister of Tim and daughter of Jack). The double-dyed villain (George Cheseboro) is a crooked lawyer (and former train robber) who wants to lay claim to the heroine's ranch.
Black Hills
Henchman Al Cooper
When Hadley finds gold on his land, Kirby kills him and then goes after Hadley's ranch. After Eddie Dean foils Kirby's robbery attempt, Kirby forces the assistant land agent Tuttle to sell the ranch to him. But Eddie learns of the forgery thru Tuttle's boss and goes after Kirby.
Return of the Lash
Six wanted outlaws are rounded up and captured by the Cheyenne Kid. Collecting the reward money, Cheyenne instructs his sidekick Fuzzy Q. Jones to give the money to a group of financially strapped ranchers. Alas, Fuzzy falls off his horse, loses his memory, and forgets what became of the money.
Ghost Town Renegades
Gold has been found and Sharp is out to get the land. He has the land owners killed and then has Watson forge new deeds. Cheyenne and Fuzzy arrive in time to save Trent. Then they go after the gang and its leader.
Pioneer Justice
A ranger in Buffalo Gap has been killed and the trail leads to a gang headed by Bill Judd. When there is yet another killing, the sheriff seems remarkably hesitant to arrest the culprit and may be taking his orders from a mystery boss. Teaming up with Al's pretty sister and her Uncle Bob, Cheyenne and Fuzzy go in search of the mystery villain.
South of the Chisholm Trail
Henchman (uncredited)
When the ranchers of Bearcat are plagued by rustlers, Big Jim Grady offers to buy their herds from them at low-ball prices. Steve Haley suggests to the ranchers that they band together and drive their herds to Abilene, Kansas and get full price. Steve's friend Smiley "joins" the rustlers to learn who their leader is. Grady henchman Doc Walker asks Steve to help break up the cattle drive, and he agrees in order to keep tabs on the rustlers. The gang makes several attempts to take the trail herd but Steve, in his guise as the Durango Kid, intervenes and saves the cattle.
Silver Range
Veteran cowboy star Johnny Mack Brown plays a cattle buyer turned prairie sleuth in this low-budget oater from Monogram, which co-stars perennial old-timer Raymond Hatton as a retired U.S. Marshal assigned to investigate the mysterious disappearance of a rancher. As the two old friends soon learn, a gang of smugglers headed by the town's banker (Frank LaRue) needs the use of the Flying Arrow Ranch for their nefarious purposes.
Overland Riders
A honest stranger arrives in Devil's Gap and helps the local sheriff expose the murderer of a rancher.
Western Cyclone
Billy the Kid is framed for murder.
The Fighting Buckaroo
Henchman (uncredited)
In this western, a lonesome cowpoke trots into a town and helps clear his pardner's name. The trouble began when the friend was framed by the leader of the Cattlemen's association who made it seem like he was a rustler. Because the friend was an ex-con, the evidence against him seems airtight. The wandering hero must work extra hard to prove his friend's innocence.
Fall In
Military Policeman
An Army sergeant's photographic memory puts him in conflict with a Nazi spy.
Diez héroes de West Point
Recruit (uncredited)
A comienzos del siglo XIX, el Congreso aprobó la financiación de la célebre Academia Militar de West Point. Sin embargo, hubo quienes se opusieron a la creación de esta institución, porque temían que diera lugar a una expansión ilegítima del poder del Gobierno Federal.
The Lone Rider in Ghost Town
Cowhand on Boardwalk
Tom and Fuzzy investigate a ghost town which, in this case, is supposedly haunted by real ghosts. The town is an outlaw gang's hideout, and they scare folks away to protect their mine.