Lili Nogueira


Executive Producer
A small group of artists travels the Brazilian backlands presenting a show. Upon arriving in a small village, they find an abandoned city with houses, a church, and a fountain spouting clean water, like a miracle of a biblical desert. Tired of and battered by their life as wanderers, the artists decide to settle in the village and start a new community, assigning themselves different roles from those they have played throughout their lives. This new arrangement, however, will reveal these artists the worst vices of the civilian life.
Porta dos Fundos: Contrato Vitalício
Executive Producer
Two friends, filmmaker Miguel and actor Rodrigo, win the grand prize of the jury at the Cannes Film Festival. After drinking too much, Rodrigo signs a lifetime contract to star in Miguel's next film. Miguel mysteriously disappears and comes back ten years later proposing to make a delirious film retelling his adventure in the years he'd been gone. Rodrigo is already famous and fears risking his career, but he has no alternative but to comply.
Giovanni Improtta
Line Producer
Giovanni Improtta is a criminal who wants to climb the social ladder and become a law-abiding citizen. To achieve it, he commits some more crimes He is betrayed, and ends up under the spotlight of the media and the radar of the police, falsely charged for murder.
El payaso
Production Manager
Benjamim (Selton Mello) y Valdemar (Paulo José) forman la fabulosa pareja de payasos Pangaré y Puro Sangue. Benjamim es un payaso sin identidad, CPF ni comprobante de residencia. Vive en las carreteras en compañia del divertido grupo del circo Esperanza. Pero Benjamim cree que perdio la gracia y parte en una aventura detras de un sueño. (FILMAFFINITY)