Erik Bolin

Erik Bolin

Nacimiento : 1978-03-06, Skövde, Västra Götalands län, Sweden


Erik Bolin


Geared Up
In the search for reconciliation with his past, Sami ends up in a small town where he meets Kim. They both meet the local gangster The Old Man who runs a seemingly sophisticated methamphetamine empire together with his two sons Conny and Kenneth. At first, everything is peace and joy, but when drugs start circulating in the town without Gubben's permission, attention is drawn to the newcomer Sami, who realizes that he is in a dangerous situation. To stay alive, he must quickly make a plan.
Most Unwanted
President Sonny
Two losers try to become criminals to solve their problems. One of them, MC Baboo, struggles to become a rapper but needs street-cred to compensate for his bad rap skills. The other, Sasan, has been dumped, fired and needs quick cash to give his dying dog an expensive surgical procedure. They decide to commit a series of robberies to solve their problems with fast cash and gaining respect on the streets. They soon have both the police and dangerous gangsters at their heels and after accidentally falling into debt to the underworld, they are forced to step up their game to pull off one final, daring heist. They intend to rob a famous comedian to avoid paying with their lives.
Lo Inimaginable
Incident Commander
Suecia se enfrenta a un misterioso ataque y Alex se ve forzado a volver a su hogar. Allí se enfrentará a su padre y se encontrará con su antiguo amor de juventud. Deberán dejar a un lado el pasado y cooperar todos juntos si de verdad desean sobrevivir... “The Unthinkable” es un misterioso thriller de género de catástrofes en el que el tiempo juega un papel sumamente importante: va a contrarreloj. Suecia ha sido atacada y ha sucedido lo impensable; hecho que provoca que la gente cambie de manera drástica y se pregunte qué es lo verdaderamente importante en la vida. ¿Qué modificaríamos antes de que sea demasiado tarde?
Palmegruppen goes for a very long lunch
Albin Veman
Palmegruppen has tried to solve the murder of the Swedish prime minister Olof Palme for over 30 years now. What do they do all day? Who are they? What happens if they close down without solving the case?
Banana Pancake Trail
Maya has for several years stayed away from Sweden and lived a fluttering life in southeastern Asia. But when she finds out that the only person she still has contact with in Sweden is about to die, she must quickly find money for the ticket home. She finds out that she cannot trust anyone, because she herself has cheated everyone.
Split Dreams
The story of Mattheus, a boy from the suburb Jordbro, south of Stockholm. Mattheus has a gift. He's fast. Really fast. Mattheus' dream is to become the athletics star and represent Sweden in the Olympic Games.
Simon returns to the suburb where he grew up in after his graduation, to work as an teacher in his old school. He becomes aware of an event that involves some of his students in his class. This puts him in a difficult situation.
Beck 31 - Gunvald
An investigative journalist is found beaten to death in his home, where the fingerprints of a notorious criminal debt collector are also found. The murdered journalist has been threatened by right wing extremists, but it is the victim’s work with a book about “society’s dark side” that captures the Beck group’s interest. When the case takes an unexpected and terrible turn, there is suddenly much more at stake than finding the journalist’s killer. Martin Beck and his colleagues have never had to protect the balance of their professional and private lives with the same tenacity as they do now.
I've Got Your Back
A couple of young friends are going to a party when things start to go wrong.
Johan Falk: Slutet
La gran organización desconocida de la mafia ahora está mostrando su verdadera cara. La presión que GSI y John Falk y su familia han ejercido sobre la organización los hace luchar en todos los frentes. El libro de reglas se descarta. Pero perseguir a la familia de Johan Falk, tratar de matar a su esposa, podría ser el error más grande que la organización ha cometido. GSI se cierra alrededor de la familia de Johan, y comienza la batalla final.
Johan Falk: Diamantes de sangre
GSI sigue un rastro de armas que lleva directamente al cuartel general de la mafia Kavkaz en la costa oeste. El miembro de GSI Niklas Saxlid es el del grupo especializado en operaciones encubiertas, y ha penetrado en las actividades de Kavkaz. Pero de repente algo sucede y Niklas desaparece.
It is a familiar fact that moving in together can be complicated. Expect additional trouble if both parties happen to be highly pedantic people with extreme control issues.
The Supporter
The Supporter is a short film that provides an insight into Swedish supporter culture. Through its main character Axel we are drawn into a world of dependency, affirmation and violence. Hooliganism is an ever-present phenomenon, reported on daily in the media. We see how a more organized criminality blends in with families with children and ordinary fans. And all the time we ask the question: 'how close is this violence to ourselves?'
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