Nadim Carlsen


Director of Photography
16-year-old, Blanka, is both curious and disturbed when her two new step brothers move in. One afternoon she goes all in to provoke a reaction and to mark her territory.
Holy Spider
Director of Photography
Irán, 2001. Una periodista de Teherán se sumerge en los barrios con peor reputación de la ciudad santa de Mashhad para investigar una serie de feminicidios. Pronto se dará cuenta de que las autoridades locales no tienen ninguna prisa por resolver el asunto. Los crímenes son obra de un solo hombre, que asegura purificar la ciudad de sus pecados y que ataca a prostitutas por la noche.
Do Not Hesitate
Director of Photography
A truck carrying a Dutch military convoy on a peacekeeping mission breaks down somewhere in the desert. As a group of soldiers waits for a repair team to arrive, they encounter a local boy who refuses to leave.
Psychosis in Stockholm
Director of Photography
On vacation in Stockholm, a teenage daughter is left wandering the city alone when her mother suffers from a sudden mental breakdown. Coming of age becomes an equally sudden necessity.
Director of Photography
Ambientada en Bodrum (Turquía), presenta un triángulo amoroso en el que la novia-trofeo de un narcotraficante se ve atrapada en una red de lujo y violencia.
Director of Photography
Tina es una agente de aduanas reconocida por su eficiencia y por su extraordinario olfato. Da la impresión de poder oler la culpabilidad de un individuo. Pero cuando Vore, un hombre aparentemente sospechoso, pasa junto a ella, sus habilidades se ponen a prueba por primera vez. Tina sabe que Vore oculta algo, pero no logra identificar qué es.
El viaje de Nisha
Director of Photography
Nisha, una chica de 16 años, vive en Noruega una doble vida. En casa es la perfecta hija paquistaní, pero cuando sale con sus amigos se convierte en una chica más occidental. Cuando su padre le pilla con su novio en la cama, sus dos mundos chocan. Para darle una lección, sus padres deciden mandarla a Paquistán, donde tendrá que adaptarse a aquella cultura.
Strawberry Days
Historia de amor entre un obrero polaco y la hija de un granjero sueco, en el marco de las tensiones y violencia que enfrentan a los cultivadores de fresas suecos y a los obreros polacos. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Child Soldier's New Job
Camera Operator
A documentary about private mercenary military forces and where their soldiers come from.
Director of Photography
Louise y Kasper, una pareja danesa, viven en una casa de campo en medio del bosque, lejos de la vida moderna, la tecnología e incluso la electricidad. El mayor sueño de Louise es ser madre, pero ella no puede tener hijos. En su desesperación, finalmente decide hacer un pacto con su sirvienta gitana Elena, que acepta llevar al hijo de Louise como madre de alquiler a cambio de una gran suma de dinero.
What He Did
Director of Photography
In 1988, emerging Danish playwright Jens Michael Schau killed his partner of 13 years, the acclaimed author Christian Kampmann, in a fit of jealous rage. The scandal gripped the nation as Schau pleaded guilty and accepted his prison sentence. Now released, Schau is a remorseful recluse who fears the gaze of friends he and Kampmann once shared. Under the weight of his conscience, he has never broken his silence about his horrifying act, until now.
Director of Photography
The film takes place in the changing room, showers and basketball court after practice. The best place to discuss the latest boy-stuff.
Pine Ridge
Director of Photography
19 year old Bert sits in the shade of a tree in Yo Park. Cassandra Warrior feeds her daughter Diamond Rose. Daniel Runs Close sweats under the sun at Wounded Knee Memorial site. Kassel Sky Little puts his boots on at the Waters Rodeo. Vanessa Piper is alone in the middle of Badlands. Lance Red Cloud hangs out behind the gas station at night. It is summer and they all live here, at the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, USA.
Searching for Bill
Bob Maser has had his car and money stolen by a con man called Bill. The car is found in Detroit and Bob leaves his home and family to go and reclaim it. In the car he finds Bill's old notebook filled with names, phone numbers, addresses, odd drawings and texts. Bob decides to try to track Bill down to see justice happen.
Notes from Underground
Director of Photography
A bitterly ironical view on the absurd everyday life of a pedophile and the little girl he keeps in his cellar.