Adolescent werewolf Walt Cribbens finds himself transforming into a wolf-boy form for two minutes at a time. He has no idea why he is a werewolf, so he decides to seek answers with the help of his best friend Cindy, who witnessed his very first transformation. This quest is complicated by a series of local robberies that throw suspicion on Walt.
A man suddenly dies and makes a deal with the Archangel of Heaven to return to Earth for a week until Christmas, to show his grandson what a real white Christmas in New York is like.
Un arquitecto construye una nueva iglesia en San Francisco que finalmente desagrada a la comunidad local de vampiros, por lo que su líder, Anton Voytek, mata a la novia del hombre para mostrar su disgusto. Luego, el arquitecto se une a un policía local para vengarse
Attendees at a horror-film convention in San Francisco keep disappearing. It turns out that the guest of honor is a real vampire, and his henchmen are kidnapping the convention guests. A horror writer, a Sherlock Holmes fan and an Israeli Nazi-hunter set out to stop him.
Pinky Rose (Sissy Spacek), una joven e ingenua enfermera oriunda del Sur, llega a una polvorienta población de California para trabajar en una residencia de ancianos. Una vez allí, toma enseguida como modelo a Millie Lammoreaux (Shelley Duvall), una joven sofisticada adicta a las revistas de moda. Millie busca una compañera de piso, y Pinky se va a vivir con ella.