Jared F. Brown


La princesa Cisne: una boda real
La princesa Odette y el príncipe Derek irán a una boda en la princesa Mei Li y su amado Chen. Pero las fuerzas del mal están en juego y los planes de boda están empañados y el amor verdadero tiene condiciones difíciles.
La Princesa Cisne: El Reino de la Música
La princesa Odette está organizando un concurso de música para celebrar el cumpleaños de la princesa Alise. El príncipe Li de Cathay ha entrado, pero su hermana, la princesa Mei Li, se ha escondido en su barco para buscar ayuda de Odette y Derek para Chen, quien ha sido maldecido para vivir como un dragón. ¿Quién ganará el festival de música y Chen alguna vez estará libre de su maldición?
La Princesa Cisne: Un Misterio Real
¡Vuelven tus personajes favoritos en una nueva aventura real! Parece que una Z misteriosa aparece como una marca en los residentes de palacio. ¿Quién está detrás de la marca y qué significa? La princesa Odette, Derek, Scully y todos los amigos de la Princesa Cisne trabajarán en equipo para resolver el misterio.
La Princesa Cisne: Aventura Encubierta
Luego de que unos misteriosos visitantes llegan al Reino, la princesa Alise, Lucas y sus amigos inician una misión de espionaje para descubrir quiénes son estos personajes y si son personas de fiar. El equipo necesitará hacer uso de sus dotes de detectives y utilizar equipos novedosos para solucionar el misterio real y salvar al Reino..
La Princesa Cisne: Aventura pirata
Los reyes Odette y Derek están de vacaciones y su hija Alise se queda con la reina Uberta, que está empeñada en convertirla en una perfecta princesa. Pero lo que ella de verdad desea ser es una intrépida pirata. Alise zarpa con Lord Rogers, Jean-Bob la rana y Veloz la tortuga, emprendiendo un viaje por alta mar lleno de aventuras, peligros e increíbles descubrimientos. Cuando su barco naufraga en una isla misteriosa, conocen a Lucas. Todo el grupo de amigos deberá trabajar en equipo para escapar de la isla y de las criaturas feroces y hambrientas que allí habitan.
La princesa Cisne: Navidad
La princesa Odette, el príncipe Derek y sus amigos del bosque vuelven a encontrarse en esta nueva aventura para celebrar su primera Navidad juntos. Mientras el reino se prepara para las fiestas, el malvado Rothbart trama su desaparición. ¿Podrán los amigos del castillo detener a Rothbart y salvar la Navidad?
Animated Hero Classics: Maccabees
In Jerusalem the temple was the Holy Place, a place that King David’s son had built for worship. The enemy of the Jews had destroyed this temple and the Greeks had begun to attack and ruin the sacred treasures previously used in temple ceremonies. The spirit of the faithful Jews was broken as they saw their world falling about them.
Animated Hero Classics: Beethoven
Even as a young boy, Beethoven marched to the beat of a different drummer. Trained in the traditional music methods by his father, Beethoven was an accomplished pianist by the age of 12. But he yearned to try new sounds and persevered until audiences heard his music. By his early twenties, this persistent young man performed for Joseph Haydn, who compared him to the great Mozart. Sadly, Beethoven began to lose his hearing, but he threw himself even more deeply into his music, composing "Fur Elise," "Sonata Pathetique" and the dramatic "Fifth Symphony" years later, audience members heard what he could not and leapt to their feet in ecstatic appreciation for such passionate music. His creativity gave the world then, as it does today, music that stirs the soul. The video begins in 1827 with 30,000 people paying tribute to the great Beethoven in Vienna, Austria. Then the video switches to his life as a child...
Built Upon the Rock
Built Upon the Rock is a story of two brothers and how an inheritance teaches them about their own foundation and eternal life. In the beginning of the video, Gideon is dying and has asked that his two sons, Thomas and Sahara work together overseeing his vineyards after he is gone. When Gideon dies, Sahara takes control of the vineyards and begins to sell grapes that are not yet ripe to loyal customers. Thomas is greatly disturbed and seeks out a lawyer named Josiah to help him regain his part of his inheritance. Josiah has left law practice to follow Jesus. He encourages Thomas to listen to the words of Jesus to find the answers to his problems. Jesus is giving his sermon on the mount and shares the beatitudes, or the actions, attitudes and blessings true believers should experience. He tells the people they need to go beyond just believing and act upon their faith. Jesus uses the parable of the wise man who built his house upon a rock...
Built Upon the Rock
Executive Producer
Built Upon the Rock is a story of two brothers and how an inheritance teaches them about their own foundation and eternal life. In the beginning of the video, Gideon is dying and has asked that his two sons, Thomas and Sahara work together overseeing his vineyards after he is gone. When Gideon dies, Sahara takes control of the vineyards and begins to sell grapes that are not yet ripe to loyal customers. Thomas is greatly disturbed and seeks out a lawyer named Josiah to help him regain his part of his inheritance. Josiah has left law practice to follow Jesus. He encourages Thomas to listen to the words of Jesus to find the answers to his problems. Jesus is giving his sermon on the mount and shares the beatitudes, or the actions, attitudes and blessings true believers should experience. He tells the people they need to go beyond just believing and act upon their faith. Jesus uses the parable of the wise man who built his house upon a rock...
Joseph Fielding Smith: The Modern Prophets
Executive Producer
Born the son of a prophet in 1876, Joseph Fielding Smith's life spanned one of the most dynamic times in the history of the world. While his devoted father and mother were exiled to Hawaii, seven-year-old Joseph was left alone for several years to mature. A historian for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at age 25, Joseph defended the faith as a scholar and prolific writer over the next 70 years. Through his lifelong commitment as theologian, apostle, and Prophet of God, he helped the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints grow to be a worldwide religion.
La princesa Cisne III: El misterio del reino encantado
La princesa Odette y el príncipe Derek preparan un gran festival, en el que tendrán lugar diferentes atracciones, competiciones y degustación de los más exquisitos manjares, todo ello con motivo de la conmemoración de las Fiestas del Reino del Lago. No obstante sus planes están en peligro ya que ambos han despertado la envidia de la terrible bruja del bosque Zelda, la cual, cegada por su ira, encierra a Odette en una inexpugnable bola de fuego, y a Derek le hace caer en una peligrosa trampa. La simpática cuadrilla formada por la Tortuga Veloz, la rana Jean Bob, el pájaro Puffin y Whizzer son la única esperanza para liberar a los príncipes y devolver la paz al Reino del Lago.
Bread From Heaven
Bread from Heaven is an account of how Jesus has compassion for the multitudes that have come to hear Him minister. The story begins with a young street urchin named Jonas who is begging for each bit of food he can get. After an incident of trickery, he takes bread from the local bakers, Zeke and Jethro. He refuses to share his bread with an old man who is weak and clearly in need of nourishment. Later Jonas finds himself listening to the words of Jesus on the mountain.
Animated Hero Classics: Louis Pasteur
The great French scientist, struggling with his own limitations from a stroke, is not deterred by scientific criticism nor failed experiments. Pasteur had the courage to look into the unseen world and his perfected vaccines are his gifts to mankind.
Alexander Graham Bell
Discover how innovation and determination can lead to world-changing inventions as Alexander Graham Bell and his partner, Thomas Watson, turn a project to improve the telegraph system into the dream of the telephone! His speech lessons with deaf children give Bell the passion to pursue this discovery.
La princesa Cisne
Executive Producer
Una bella princesa se convierte en cisne por un hechizo. En su cautiverio se hace amiga de una rana, una tortuga y un pájaro, mientras espera que el desencantamiento llegue a través del amor. Se necesitaron 250 dibujantes y más de 4 años de trabajo para realizarla.
La princesa Cisne
Una bella princesa se convierte en cisne por un hechizo. En su cautiverio se hace amiga de una rana, una tortuga y un pájaro, mientras espera que el desencantamiento llegue a través del amor. Se necesitaron 250 dibujantes y más de 4 años de trabajo para realizarla.
Animated Hero Classics: Florence Nightingale
Executive Producer
At the height of the Crimean War, English soldiers were wounded and dying by the hundreds. Into the rat and flea-infested facilities stepped a woman of uncompromising convictions, great patience and an iron will. Florence Nightingale, “The Lady of the Lamp,” changed the science and practice of nursing all over the world.
Executive Producer
Ahab, a great king of the Israelites, has fallen under the spell of Jezebel, a daughter of the King of the Sidonians. He has rejected the Israelites' God and embraced Jezebel's religion: the worship of the idol Baal. At Jezebel's command, Ahab has ordered the execution of the prophets of Israel, replacing them with Baal's false prophets. But one man, Elijah, filled with power of the true God, directly challenges Ahab and Jezebel.
The Good Samaritan
Executive Producer
The Good Samaritan tells the most touching parable that Jesus ever taught. The story begins with the lawyer’s trick question, “What is the greatest commandment?” As Jesus answers with the story of the robbers, the Rabbi, the Levite and the wounded traveler becomes real. Imagine the traveler’s emotion as his own countrymen pass by while his enemy, a Samaritan, stops to help him. Jesus teaches us to love and serve one another no matter how we differ.
The King is Born
Executive Producer
The King is Born is a video classic about the birth of Jesus based on the Bible. Beginning with Gabriel announcing God's blessed plan for Mary, this video brings all the elements of this timeless store to life. Journey with Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem and witness the humble birth of our Savior together with the shepherds.
Visit israel with Dr. W. Cleon Skousen - The Last Days in the Life of Jesus (Part 2)
Associate Producer
Explore the setting for the greatest event in history. You'll witness the place called the Garden Tomb where Jesus was resurrected and finished the great work of the atonement, and you'll hear the wonderful Easter story told in a way that you'll never forget. Imagine the spirit your family can feel as you discuss the importance of the sacrifice that Jesus made? Elder James E. Talmage in writing Jesus the Christ devoted nearly half of his book to the story of the last days in Christ's ministry. Now, you can have the opportunity to see, as well as hear, this beautiful story that is the center of our hope and faith.
Visit israel with Dr. W. Cleon Skousen - The Last Days in the Life of Jesus (Part 2)
Executive Producer
Explore the setting for the greatest event in history. You'll witness the place called the Garden Tomb where Jesus was resurrected and finished the great work of the atonement, and you'll hear the wonderful Easter story told in a way that you'll never forget. Imagine the spirit your family can feel as you discuss the importance of the sacrifice that Jesus made? Elder James E. Talmage in writing Jesus the Christ devoted nearly half of his book to the story of the last days in Christ's ministry. Now, you can have the opportunity to see, as well as hear, this beautiful story that is the center of our hope and faith.
Visit israel with Dr. W. Cleon Skousen - The Last Days in the Life of Jesus (Part 1)
Executive Producer
This DVD will help you to feel the great emotion of Christ's mortal ministry as it draws to a close. You'll see the area in Bethany where Jesus went to visit His beloved friends at the house of Lazarus. You'll hear the story and see the traditional place where He raised Lazarus from the tomb. Visit the ancient gnarled monarch olive trees, and hear Dr. Skousen's moving description of Jesus Christ's great suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane. Some of these ancient trees were probably there during the time of Jesus.
Visit Nauvoo
Executive Producer
Gathering to an uninhabitable swampland, the Saints built a beautiful city in just seven years called, Nauvoo, the "Jewel of the Mississippi". Walk the streets of Old Nauvoo as you visit the beautiful homes of Heber C. Kimball, Brigham Young, and Wilford Woodruff. Learn more of their faith and sacrifice to build the Kingdom of God. Stroll through the Prophet Joseph's Red Brick Store and the Mansion House, where Joseph and Emma often slept on the floor to accommodate their guests. Contemplate the determination of the Saints to build a temple to their God as you see the reconstructed temple rising majestically above the city. Whether you've never visited Nauvoo or want to forever cherish your memories of Nauvoo, this DVD is a must for every family.