Julien Coutelier

Nacimiento : 1911-01-08, Paris, France

Muerte : 1997-09-25


Empiecen la revolución sin mí
En tiempo previos a la Revolución Francesa, dos parejas de gemelos son separados al nacer. Una pareja se criará en la realeza, mientras la otra crecerá como niños de unos campesinos
El sargento
Es la historia de la lucha interior del oscuro sargento Albert Callan para superar la abrumadora atracción que siente por uno de sus subordinados. En el entorno formal y asfixiante de un mundo posterior a la Segunda Guerra Mundial del ejército en Francia, Callan tiene una atracción profundamente reprimida por el apuesto Swanson. Más tarde, solo en su soledad, recuerda las experiencias aterradoras de la guerra y los acontecimientos que condujeron a esta encrucijada. Lleno de odio hacia sí mismo e incapaz de actuar por su atracción natural, realiza ataques verbales y castigos inmerecidos a Swanson.
Les Arnaud
In the sunny landscapes of Provence, Henri Arnaud is a conscientious law student who's got a lovely girlfriend, Tina. The person who used to pay for his studies dies and the poor young man's disposable funds are low. He asks an antique dealer if he can lend him some money. This shady guy agrees, but in return for homosexual relations. Henri kills him and runs away. Fortunately, a good judge, who bears the same name as him, comes to his rescue.
Cherchez l'idole
After stealing a diamond from Mylène Demongeot, Richard hides it inside a guitar. But on returning to the music shop he discovers that the precious instrument has just been sold! The problem is complicated by the fact that five stars all bought the same model that morning...
No temas a la ley
Jean Faran tiene la desgracia de atropellar con su coche a una joven llamada Micaela. Una vez repuestos del susto, ella le invita a su casa a tomar unas copas. En realidad se trata de un artificio con el fin de que la indemnice de la supuesta pérdida de una joya valiosa. Él le entrega un cheque y se marcha. Al día siguiente, se da cuenta de que se dejó olvidado su reloj y acude de nuevo a casa de la chica. Pero su sorpresa es enorme cuando ve sacar el cadáver de Micaela, asesinada la noche anterior.
El proceso
Un hombre se despierta por la mañana, y se encuentra con que la policía ha entrado en su habitación y lo arresta, tras acusarlo de haber cometido un crimen.
A House of Sand
Sound Recordist
An unsure American girl finds love in Paris, in spite of being repulsed by an assault as a child, and is able to overcome it.
Cleo de 5 a 7
Cleo, una joven cantante, espera impaciente los resultados de un examen médico. Cuando una adivina que lee las cartas le revela que tiene cáncer y que puede morir, su inquietud aumenta. Tratando de ocupar su tiempo a la espera de los resultados, Cleo conoce a un joven soldado, a punto de partir para hacer el servicio militar en Argelia, al que confía su temor a la muerte.
Un ángel sobre la tierra
Cuando su novia, la Princesa Augusta, le da calabazas y se escapa con un cantante, el piloto de carreras Pierre Chaillot decide ahogar sus penas en el alcohol y luego matarse. Antes de que pueda cometer el acto fatal, su ángel de la guarda aparece, en el cuerpo de una bella azafata que, aunque Pierre lo ignora, está locamente enamorada de él. La misión del ángel es la de conseguir que Pierre se enamore para que encuentre una razón para vivir.
Serenade of Texas
Sound Editor
Music seller and singer on occasion, Jacques Gardel learns from master Jérôme Quilleboeuf that he inherits oil fields located in Big Bend in Texas.
Jacques Forestier, also a choreographer, an art decorator and a stage producer, is the very competent manager of "Tabarin", a renowned Parisian music-hall. A hard worker, he always wants the best for the public, at the expense of his health. He is assisted in his task by his wife Rosine and his lively secretary Mimi. Chance has it that one of the dancers he auditions for a new show is Florence, his former lover. He doesn't want her in the show but the spiteful belle has a rich influential protector who imposes her anyway. Some time later, Jacques falls victim of a heart attack.
During the First World War, the Empyrée Montmartre, a Paris music-hall, is dedicated to patriotic revues whose star is the charming Mitsou. The young artist is not without talent but she is mainly well-connected. She is indeed the cherished mistress of Pierre Duroy-Lelong, a rich industrialist. One night, thanks to Petite-Chose, an ebullient singer-dancer and her co-star, she gets to know a handsome army, Lieutenant Bleu. Mitsou falls madly in love with him and Lieutenant Bleu is physically attracted to her. The trouble is that Bleu comes from a distinguished family and cannot put up with her lack of culture and artistic bad taste...
This Man Is Dangerous
On the run from international police, Special Agent Lemmy Caution arrives in the South of France and soon becomes embroiled in a scheme with the infamous gangster Siegella. Whilst seeming to co-operate with the underworld boss, Lemmy is secretly acting for the FBI, and intends using Miranda Van Zelden, a wealthy heiress, as bait to trap a gang of crooks and put an end to Siegella's exploits...
Cuando leas esta carta
Teresa (Juliette Greco) estaba a punto de ingresar en un convento, pero debido a la muerte de sus padres decide dedicarse a cuidar de su hermana Denise (Irene Galter), que ha sido violada por Max (Philippe Lemaire). Teresa intenta que Max repare el agravio, pero lo que ocurre es que Max acaba enamorándose de ella.
Des quintuplés au pensionnat
In a girls boarding-school run by Madame Piégeois,young Gisèle meets, at night, the count of Champrès 's son.
Dr. Schweitzer
In 1912, the Alsatian Albert Schweitzer, missionary doctor and musician, goes to Gabon, a French colony, to fight malaria, which is ravaging the population. Administrator Leblanc takes a dim view of his arrival. But Albert can count on the devoted Marie Winter and Father Charles to assist him in his task.
Jamaican Man
Jacques Mervel, also known as "L'Homme de la Jamaïque" makes use of his talents as a gun runner in Tangiers, Morocco. After triumphing over a rival gang, he decides to quit the job and to start a new life with Vicky, a pretty young nurse. In Paris, a doctor lets him know that he is affected by leprosy. In desperation, Jacques runs away from Vicky to spare her. When she realizes the reason why Jacques has disappeared from her life, she joins him with a view to helping him fight the disease.
Fred Peloux nicknamed Chéri, the handsome son of Charlotte Peloux, a former demimondaine, lives in the small circle of his mother's friends, all high class prostitutes past their best. He has an affair with Léa, a waning beauty, who loves him both as a mistress and a mother. But the age difference takes its toll on their union. To please his mother, Chéri accepts to marry young Edmée without actually caring for her. After a while, the young man tries to return to Léa...