A group of people move through a labyrinth of tunnels in the urban underground. They cut through the darkness with the multiple flashlights strapped to their bodies. During their journey, they'll have to face the dangers that lurk in the darkness and, what is worse, themselves.
A group of people move through a labyrinth of tunnels in the urban underground. They cut through the darkness with the multiple flashlights strapped to their bodies. During their journey, they'll have to face the dangers that lurk in the darkness and, what is worse, themselves.
Helena stops her van in an old quarry on the outskirts of the city. Looking nervous, she takes out of the trunk the body of an enormous man and gets ready to bury him. She struggles to clear the evidence but in her world nothing is that easy and problems always come back.
Helena stops her van in an old quarry on the outskirts of the city. Looking nervous, she takes out of the trunk the body of an enormous man and gets ready to bury him. She struggles to clear the evidence but in her world nothing is that easy and problems always come back.
Helena stops her van in an old quarry on the outskirts of the city. Looking nervous, she takes out of the trunk the body of an enormous man and gets ready to bury him. She struggles to clear the evidence but in her world nothing is that easy and problems always come back.
Comedia negra que lleva a la pantalla los textos teatrales, representados por todo el mundo (la trilogía de la indignación: Contra el progreso – Contra el amor – Contra la democracia), escritos por Esteve Soler: son siete historias (que llevan los títulos de Familia, Propiedad, Compromiso, Orden, Trabajo, Solidaridad y Progreso) que combinan el humor y el horror para retratar el mundo contradictorio, convulso, disfuncional y disparatado donde vivimos.
Un hombre llega a un restaurante cargando un maletín, cuando dentro topa con un grupo de matones que quieren ver su contenido sin que él esté de acuerdo con esa idea.
Director of Photography
Un hombre llega a un restaurante cargando un maletín, cuando dentro topa con un grupo de matones que quieren ver su contenido sin que él esté de acuerdo con esa idea.
Marla vive en Estambul donde enseña inglés, su hermana Olivia es periodista en New York, cuando sabe que Marla está embarazada viaja a Turquía para verla. Marla está separada de su esposo y junto a su hermana comienzan a sufrir siniestros acontecimientos que pueden terminar con sus vidas.