Karen Rossi Coughlin


Comida pa' los pobres
A young Puerto Rican activist confronts the island's persistent crisis of food insecurity.
Cinema Puerto Rico: una antropología visual
Da un vistazo a Puerto Rico y al cine puertorriqueño a través de películas, documentales y comerciales de distintas épocas, desde principios del siglo XX hasta el cine emergente del presente. En el recorrido, se identifican estrategias visuales y narrativas que retratan fragmentos de la historia general puertorriqueña y que, a su vez, responden a las preguntas de quién, cuándo, y para quién se ha hecho cine en Puerto Rico y los recursos con que se cuenta para hacerlo.
Sábado de Gloria
Gloria y Diana no tienen la mejor relación de madre e hija. Diana fantasea las reacciones que reflejan sus sentimientos hacia su madre. En una de sus rutinarias visitas al supermercado, Diana pierde a su madre y encuentra lo que verdaderamente siente por ella.
Sábado de Gloria
Gloria y Diana no tienen la mejor relación de madre e hija. Diana fantasea las reacciones que reflejan sus sentimientos hacia su madre. En una de sus rutinarias visitas al supermercado, Diana pierde a su madre y encuentra lo que verdaderamente siente por ella.
Algo más
Examina el trabajo del grupo DanzÉ, de DanzActiva, en el que la bailarina Paulette Beauchamp, mediante una propuesta artística, dirige un grupo de personas con Síndrome Down en espectáculos de baile de bomba. El documental presenta las experiencias de estos bailadores, las preocupaciones de los padres y documenta el intercambio cultural del grupo con un colectivo de la ciudad de Sevilla, España.
Isla chatarra
Isla chatarra describes the phenomenon of the ubiquity of automobiles in Puerto Rico. The island measures slightly less than 9,000 square kilometers, but has 25,000 kilometers of paved road, one of the highest proportions in the planet. Puerto Rico is one of the countries with the largest number of vehicles per kilometer (of road) and third in the world in number of cars per 1,000 inhabitants. The film was produced with the idea to raise consciousness and create a dialogue about the ongoing situation of our dependence on cars. It also shows the dangerous circumstances of an island that is slowly being covered by scrap metal.
Isla chatarra
Isla chatarra describes the phenomenon of the ubiquity of automobiles in Puerto Rico. The island measures slightly less than 9,000 square kilometers, but has 25,000 kilometers of paved road, one of the highest proportions in the planet. Puerto Rico is one of the countries with the largest number of vehicles per kilometer (of road) and third in the world in number of cars per 1,000 inhabitants. The film was produced with the idea to raise consciousness and create a dialogue about the ongoing situation of our dependence on cars. It also shows the dangerous circumstances of an island that is slowly being covered by scrap metal.
Isla chatarra
Isla chatarra describes the phenomenon of the ubiquity of automobiles in Puerto Rico. The island measures slightly less than 9,000 square kilometers, but has 25,000 kilometers of paved road, one of the highest proportions in the planet. Puerto Rico is one of the countries with the largest number of vehicles per kilometer (of road) and third in the world in number of cars per 1,000 inhabitants. The film was produced with the idea to raise consciousness and create a dialogue about the ongoing situation of our dependence on cars. It also shows the dangerous circumstances of an island that is slowly being covered by scrap metal.
Isla chatarra
Isla chatarra describes the phenomenon of the ubiquity of automobiles in Puerto Rico. The island measures slightly less than 9,000 square kilometers, but has 25,000 kilometers of paved road, one of the highest proportions in the planet. Puerto Rico is one of the countries with the largest number of vehicles per kilometer (of road) and third in the world in number of cars per 1,000 inhabitants. The film was produced with the idea to raise consciousness and create a dialogue about the ongoing situation of our dependence on cars. It also shows the dangerous circumstances of an island that is slowly being covered by scrap metal.
Sobre la poeta puertorriqueña Julia de Burgos y su poema con el mismo nombre.
Sobre la poeta puertorriqueña Julia de Burgos y su poema con el mismo nombre.
Yo misma fui mi ruta
Sobre la poeta puertorriqueña Julia de Burgos y su poema con el mismo nombre.
Yo misma fui mi ruta
Sobre la poeta puertorriqueña Julia de Burgos y su poema con el mismo nombre.
Ser grande
The daily life of Juan, Rushian and Ivianyd, three Puerto Rican teenagers, is challenged when they decide to participate in a series of workshops to discover their aspirations and overcome personal limitations. The support of new mentors provokes awareness, but moving forward is not so simple. Obstacles pertaining social, emotional and sexual identity issues are part of this choral portrait on the margins of Caribbean society.